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Note: Not sure about your name so I'm going to use [Y/N]

You were feeling exhausted and on top of everything you guys now had to come up with a plan to control Liam and it wasn't going to be easy. But since you really care for Scott, you were willing to help no matter what.

"We need to draw him to us. And [Y/N] is going to be the bait." Scott says.

"Wait what?" You ask. You didn't remembered allowing that.

But Scott looks at you with his puppy eyes and you just can't resist.


After everyone is now sure and well aware of the plane, you do your part. You weren't dating Scott but you two always sort of had a thing and so far neither you or anyone else could figure out why you two weren't dating. But then a new year started and thanks to Scott, you also met Liam. The feelings weren't the same but it was obvious already that Liam had a thing for you and maybe that was the reason you were chosen as a bait.

"Are you sure you are okay with this?" Scott asks you apart from the rest of the group.

"Did I had a choice?" You say in a sarcastic way.

"Let's leave the sarcasm to Stiles. I'm serious [Y/N]. You aren't forced to do it."

"Scott, I just have to be friendly with Liam, there's really no big deal with that. Don't worry." Deep down you wondered if he could actually be jealous.

Things happen as expected. Everyone did their part, you did yours and Scott actually talked to Liam and things were going to be okay or so you hoped. But not everything exactly went as planned. There was something different with Liam the following days, the way he was acting towards you. After all, he realized it ended up being nothing more but just a plan, but it was nearly as if he actually thought you had feelings for him or you wanted something.
You weren't going to lie, he was cute and hot, but he was also younger, not to mention you had bigger feelings for Scott.

This one time you are outside the class room and you hear someone calling you.

"Hi." Liam says. "I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime "

You didn't wanted to be rude so you end up saying yes. You weren't dating Scott but it felt like somehow you were betraying him, but you convince yourself, or at least you try, that it's all just in your head.

Liam picks you up at exactly 8:30pm. He decides to take you bowling and with that all memories of Scott show up. You two had some great moments there. For your surprise the whole gang was there.
Liam frowns soon as he sets eyes on them. He was still figuring it out all that happened to him, and although he wasn't in the mood to deal with it at the moment, he was more upset because he knew for sure the date he had planned was now ruined. There was no way you wouldn't want to join the rest of the pack.

"Hi." Scott says.

"Hello." You reply and there's just a huge tension in the air that you could almost be 100% sure that if you grabbed a knife you could cut the tension with it.

"Didn't expected to see you here." Scott comments.

"Of course not." Liam says to himself.
For everyone else all that was happening was funny, but for you, Liam and Scott it was nothing but funny. You were all messing with feelings, and it wasn't going to do no good to any so in the end, after nearly everyone is gone, you decide go come clean.

"Look boys. We all felt that inside." You start speaking and both are staring at you while exchanging looks.  "Things need to be cleared. Liam, you are a great guy and I'm sorry this all happened to you, and I like you but me and Scott have history, that didn't had closure yet. I'm sorry, this between us can't happen."

Liam looks upset. "And you had to say this in front of him?" He points at Scott.

"I understand you are upset, but this concerns both of you." You tell him.

"Fine." He says and he leaves.

"Don't worry, he has anger issues, but soon he will get over it." Scott says.

"So... about us?"

"Guess it's time to give history some actually good story" he replies and kisses you.

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