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Imagine for mirakira2mixer


It was late night and you were still stuck in Lydia's house doing some school work that you weren't really fan of, but you had no choice. You were friends with Lydia for a long time but things had been a bit off lately and the only reason you could think of was because of Aiden. You liked him since the first day you saw him, sadly him and he's pack had other intentions so things couldn't work out anyway, he had to be with Lydia, but now that things were finally better there were no reasons for them to stay together, after all it wasn't real as you always thought, Stiles loved Lydia and you could tell she likes him aswell, she's just not ready yet to admit. She hasn't been hanging out with Aiden lately and you can't stop thinking about it so you decide to finally clean things up and talk about it for real. 

- Hey Lydia! I'm sorry, I know it's late and we need to finish this but I need to talk about something...

- Well Jamira, you can say it, what is it? - Lydia said stopping for a little what she was doing. 

- It's about Aiden... are you still together? 

- Well Jamira that's a bit complicated to be honest, after all that happened with Deucalion, but we are only friends now, don't worry! I know you like him, go for it girl! 

She seemed quite well about it and she was being a friend by giving you a free pass, they were never really serious so after all it was ok, now you just didn't knew how to approach Aiden or maybe wait for him to do something. You liked him and you were all friends but deep down you were still a bit afraid of what could possibly happen, was it really all over? And would he ever be able to hurt you? Questions you didn't really wanted to answer or even try to find an answer for them, it didn't really matter, the important is everything was ok now, war was over. 

Finally the work was complete and you could go home. 

- Sorry I'm really tired and just feel like going to bed, do you mind going home alone? or if you want you can stay here! It's really late, I would drive you home but I'm so sleepy we might have an acident - Lydia giggles. - Do you want to stay? I'll prepare things. 

- No Lydia, it's ok. I will walk home, I'm tired as well and I'm not exactly prepared to stay, plus it's not very far, but thank you! Have a good night or what's left of it. - Both laugh and you leave. 

Everything was silent and it was a bit cold so you couldn't wait to go home and finally get some sleep, it wasn't in fact very far and in a few minutes you were home. Morning comes and you wish you could stay in bed a little longer when your phone rings and it's Aiden, you get surprised and wonder what could he possibly want especially so early in the morning.

- Yes? 

- Jamira! It's Aiden, so I would like to talk to you, do you mind if I go to your house?

- Hey Aiden, well right now?

- If you don't mind, yes. 

You were in the middle of getting ready when he appears in your house! Door was already open and he goes upstairs to your room. He was  a bit out of air and you could tell he wanted to say something important. He doesn't gives you time to prepare yourself and all  the sudden he grabs you and kisses you like all the times you thought about it and you made the perfect scene on your head but this moment was more than perfect than every single one you have imagined, he was breathless and between trying to catch up he says how long he wanted to do that. 

- But what happened? 

- I was just tired of wait you know, ever since me and my brother came here it was all about making Deucalion happy, make sure to follow the plan, we never really cared about what we wanted, who we wanted to be with it, the intention with Lydia, it was nothing else but to put her in danger, and for the record I regret that, then my brother he found love... he was able to see things differently so why not do the same, I've gain nothing from this fight and I think it's time to be happy, Lydia called me after you left her house last night and she opened my eyes, I want to be with Jamira, since the beginning and I'm sorry I couldn't, I'm sorry I didn't changed earlier, I just hope you will want me now!

- Aiden I don't know what to say, you know I like you, in fact I love you and after a long time I finally understand everything that happened and the options weren't that great, everyone makes mistakes and I just gotta learn to live with the fact pretty much all of my friends are werewolves. 

- Your friends and your boyfriend, if you agree...

- Aiden I don't know what to say... - You didn't expected that to happen so quickly, you sit on your bed and he goes on his knees grabbing your hands and looking right into your eyes.

- Just say you accept being my girl. 

- I accept. - You say, and this time you are the one kissing him and finally both could be happy and fight next wars together.

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