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Imagine for Kim_reed219


You have been in Beacon Hills for so long and you always liked Stiles, however, he was always so blind by Lydia, that you never stood a chance. It killed you inside, you couldn't help it. He was so perfect and yes, you like Lydia but, you think Stiles doesn't deserve the way he's treated, especially when there's someone, like you, waiting for him to notice. 

The way Stiles acted around you was exactly the same way Lydia acted around him, call it Karma, whatever you would like. 

This day, Allison, who you really like, invites you to go out with her, Scott, Lydia and Stiles. Of course, you feel bad because you will be an extra, while Stiles drools around Lydia and, Allison well does the relationship thing with Scott, you will just be there and you wanted to say no but then you saw Allison's eyes, and how much she actually wanted you to go that you forget about it all and you say yes.

The day comes and of course, you are feeling really nervous. Kim calm down, it's going to be fine. You think to yourself, but it's like you were already seeing everything that was going to happen. They pick you up in Stiles jeep and suddenly you feel butterflies inside your stomach. You always loved that Jeep. You look to the backseat and you see Allison and Scott all cosy. Also, Lydia wasn't there. 

You get in and you sit next to Stiles, you were having a hard time hiding how happy that made you. "Where's Lydia?" You ask to which Stiles just replies "Jackson." You notice how disappointed he seems and that makes you sad. That was your chance to do something about your feelings for him. 

"Where are we going?" You ask.

"Bowling," Allison replies. She seemed pretty excited about it. You weren't that good at it, so you feel a bit scared. Stiles notices how you hold back.

"Have you ever played it?" Stiles asks you. You feel the blood rushing and you have no idea what to say. omg, he's talking to me.

"A few times. But I'm no good at it." You seem shy and he smiles at you. That moment your heart drops, he was giving you the attention and it was more than you ever got since like ever.

You all get inside and Allison plus Scott, obviously team up, leaving you with Stiles. You are feeling deeply nervous, yes you were friends, but mostly with Allison, you were never that close to Stiles, much less sharing a team. 

They start playing and you can't help but feel nervous, also because you didn't want to let Stiles down. He actually seemed to be a really good player. 

It's your turn to play and you were feeling extra nervous. Stiles gets up and he goes near you. He whispers in your ear what you should do and while doing that he places his hand on your waist. At that moment you couldn't think about a single thing. You were freaking out inside, he touched you, he whispered in your ear, you were nearly about to scream. You do the play and as for your surprise, you do amazingly well.

You return to your seat and it's Scott's turn. The rest of the game goes on pretty well, by the end Allison and Scott to go to his house and we all know how that will end. You have no idea what to do or say. After dropping them at Scott's house, you stay alone in the jeep with Stiles.

"So..." You start saying but he stops you.

"Wanna come to my place?" 

Literally everything lights up inside you. DID HE REALLY JUST ASKED ME TO GO TO HIS HOUSE? POSSIBLY HIS BEDROOM?

You were literally dying inside, obviously, you say yes right away, maybe even too fast, but you couldn't help yourself. You have been dreaming about this moment for so long that you can't believe it's finally happening. 

The rest of the drive, you go in silence, you really didn't want to say something that could go completely wrong. Lucky Sheriff wasn't home, you have a feeling it could be awkward and you weren't really prepared for that. Stiles grabs your hand and leads you upstairs. You were pretty sure he could hear your heartbeat.

He smiles at you and tells you to sit on his bed while he walks around on his bedroom getting a few things cleaned. "Do you want anything? A drink, food?" He asks you and for the first time, you noticed he looks nervous around you.

"No, I'm good." You reply with a smile. 

Things start to feel a bit awkward, he didn't stop moving and there you were sitting on his bed. He grabs a chair and he sits sort of in front of you.


"Hi?" You reply. Okay, that was awkward, he was acting weird and you had no idea what his intentions were. 

"I wanted to talk to you, Kim." You just nod letting him continue. "So, I don't know where Lydia is tonight. Actually I asked Allison to not invite her."

You were shocked. Why wouldn't Stiles want to be with Lydia?!


"I wanted to be with you. Because we need to get a few things straight." 

This was sounding too good to be true, your first thought is that he wanted to let you know that he likes Lydia and you should forget about him, yes it was that, the fear was taking over you and your heart starts racing and you feel like crying. 

"You know, I've always had this crush on Lydia, since ever. However, she's in love with Jackson and she ignores me a lot. I know you like me, Kim."

You don't reply to him, you just continually nod. You could almost hear already the words and it felt like someone was stabbing a knife in your heart. You feel stupid for actually believing that he could ever have other intentions to take you to his house, his bedroom.

"Thing is Kim. And I needed you to know that..." He makes a pause and he notices the look on your face, somehow that and whatever he was going to say after, he looks like he could also cry at that moment and that scared you even more. "I love...." At that moment you stop him, you didn't want to hear him say it so you say it yourself.

"Lydia. You love Lydia." Tears actually fell down your eyes and you can see it was almost happening the same to him.


You literally can't believe what you heard. This time you actually start crying. 

"I love you, Kim. Things changed a few months ago, Lydia and I have been friends but seeing her with Jackson even more times now, it changed and then I started seeing you and things changed." He says and you don't reply, instead, you kiss him. 

He's caught by surprise, but after a few seconds, he kisses you back. He gets out of the chair and he lays you down on his bed and goes on top of you, kissing you. 

It was everything like you ever imagined. 

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