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It was getting dark, and you couldn't stop thinking how dumb you were for moving at that hour, especially when you knew no one. Also you had school right the next day, so obviously you would end up going and looking awful, because you would tired, you could almost see the sleepless night ahead of you. 

Damn you. Nice one Jillian. First day of school tomorrow, and you couldn't have moved like, earlier in the day? Or two days ago. No, let's drop everything to the last minute.

It was getting late, and it was hard for you to see, you were looking around in hopes to find the house you were supposed to stay in. You were going to stay in the house of, like they told you, one of the best students in Beacon Hills high school, if not the best one. You would stay there, to finish high school. They were probably worried about you already, it was late and you hadn't showed up yet. However they didn't called you either. As usual you thought you could do it by yourself, so you told them, there was no need for them to go pick you. As you wanted to take a look by your own, around the town first. Why Jill, what a dumb idea. You think to yourself. 

You keep walking and looking around to the houses to see if you can find the one. The bags were making your arms and back hurt, but you didn't had time to worry about that at the moment. You keep walking until you see this jeep passing by you. At first, you actually consider asking for help. But it ends up not being necessary, as the person in the jeep stopped anyway.

"Hey! You look like you need some help. Never saw you around. "

Great! A really cute and by the looks, hot boy and here I am looking like a mess. Nice way to cause an impression Jill. 

"Hi. Yes please. I'm so dumb." You could almost cry but you control yourself. You didn't needed that cute boy to see you cry already. "I'm starting school tomorrow and I'm supposed to stay at this girl house. And I'm lazy, so now I'm late and apparently lost."

"Well, which girl? I might be able to help you. Also, what's your name? I'm Stiles by the way."

"Nice name. I'm Jillian. Call me Jill. And this girl, her name is Lydia I think, Lydia Martin."

"Oh yes. I know who she is. Come in. Oh wait, let me help you." He says and he leaves the jeep to help you with the bags. He was so cute and really handsome. Also he had the most funny name. 

You get inside the car and he drives you to Lydia's house. It was a gorgeous house. During the ride, you ask him a few questions about her and she seems like an amazing person, you couldn't wait to meet her. 

Stiles walks you to the door. Perhaps it would be easier if you showed up with someone Lydia and her mother know. 

"You are Jillian I guess." Lydia's mom opens the door. Lydia is right behind her. And she looks stunning.

"You late." Lydia speaks. She sounded a bit rude, but Stiles also told you about that part of her. So you don't worry about that.

"I'm sorry. But lucky Stiles found me, I was lost I guess." 

"Come inside. You need to rest. Tomorrow we will take care of the rest." Lydia's mom tells you and you get in. You look one last time at Stiles. He was now going away and he gets inside of his jeep. He stares at you before going away. 

All night you couldn't help but think about him. Truth to be told, you didn't had much sleep as you were supposed to. You were scared you would look awful in the first day of school, but the way Lydia was looking, you were sure that she would probably help you out and make you look stunning like her. You tried to fall asleep countless of times and also you tried to think about something else, but it was getting impossible. Stiles was the only one in your mind.

Love at first sight? Oh don't be silly. There's no such thing. I guess. 
But truth was, you couldn't stop thinking about him so it had to mean something. And most likely, it meant that. When finally you start to feel tired and about to sleep, it was almost time to get up. Of course Lydia didn't woke up flawless so she was the type of waking up early. And by that, you had to wake up early as well. At least, she would probably make you look decent and not tired.

She did what you expected. And it was amazing how good you looked since you had no sleep last night. You had to thank Lydia for that. You were nervous because you were going to see Stiles. You were in the same year as him, so there were pretty good chances of seeing him again. 

You weren't going to lie, you were excited to see him and to see his reaction now that he would see you, first, in the day light and all dress up. You get to class and Lydia makes sure to make you feel comfortable around everyone. Has expected, Stiles was in your class. 

"Hi there Jill. Looking nice." Stiles tells you and Lydia looks confused. 

"Thanks. And also thank you for yesterday."

The whole class goes by and you two trade long stares at each other. It was getting clear to you that he could possibly share the same feelings. The whole day goes by like that. And so the next days ahead. You would spend the breaks talking and staring at each other from afar. Same in class. It was getting to a point that you couldn't think about anything else but Stiles. So you needed to do something.

This day after class, you can't wait any longer. So you send a note to Stiles, saying you wanted to meet him. Perhaps a text would do just fine as well, but you decide to go with a note.

You wait outside for him. And you were super nervous.

"Hi Jill. What's wrong?" 

"I know this might sound crazy. We don't know each other for that long. But damn Stiles, I think I have fallen in love with you. And each day that goes by I fall for you even more and you are all that I can think about, even though I obviously try to think about other stuff, but it's pointless."

You stop talking and Stiles doesn't says a word. Instead he kisses you. He kisses you more than once and you guess that means he shares the same feels as you.

You couldn't feel more lucky and turns out Beacon Hills would be a wonderful place for you to finish high school, especially with Stiles by your side.

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