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You were going home, but you had to pass through the woods first. It was getting late, therefore, it was getting harder and harder to see anything. You start to hear some noises, but you decide to ignore them. After all, it was the woods, there was animals there, it was normal to hear certain noises. You decide to not let it bother you. However it was getting harder and harder, as the noise keeps louder and this time, it doesn't sounds like just some animal. Something gets close to you and you can't see well what it is or who he is. 

Something starts to spin around you and you try to put it up a fight. You throw some fists into the air, since you can't really see and whatever that was, it was fast. Finally you hit something. You try to continue and fight it, but suddenly you feel this awful pain near your stomach. Like something had bitten you. You try really hard to see something, but it was too late, you pass out.

You slowly open your eyes. The first thought in your head was what happened and what was that thing. But you noticed you were somewhere else. You try to get up slowly, since you were wounded. But it doesn't hurts and you get confused. Also you had another shirt on you, which you can't seem to understand why. You pull it up and you see there was no wound near your stomach. It was all gone. But you could swear you had it. You felt it, you felt the pain, the bite. 

You give a few steps, and you were in a weird place. It was sort of a house, but it wasn't that big. And it pretty much looked abandoned before you got there.



"Is someone here?" 

Suddenly you hear a few footsteps and you get in your defensive position position right away. It takes a while till someone appears, and again, you were sure that you had heard the footsteps. Finally this guy shows up. He was carrying, what it seemed food, and water. 

"Who are you?" You ask him right away.

"I guess I could ask you the same question." He replies and he has this amazing smile. 

Damn you Jill, focus. 

You tell yourself, while you were lost in his smile and how handsome he looked. 

"My name is Jillian. Call me Jill if you want."

"Well Jill nice to meet you. My name is Isaac." He smiles and he gets close to you. He reaches out for your hand and shakes it.

"Well, Isaac. Would you care to explain, what am I doing here? And also, why is my wound gone? What have you done to me?"

"Calm down. And please take a sit." He tells you and he seemed extremely calm with those whole thing.

You do as he asks you. Also, he looked so... so perfect. There was no way, you could even think in denying something to him. 

"Last night. Do you remember anything that happened to you?"

"No. I mean, I remember walking home and suddenly this noises begin, and at some point it was more than just animal noises. And then this thing attacked me. I tried to fight and then I felt a bite, right near my stomach zone. It was dark and I couldn't see what it was and then I passed out." You realize how easy it was to just tell him things and talk. He was actually listening to you and he seemed interested and concerned.

"Well, I heard a scream and then I ran to the woods and I found you. Your shirt had blood on it. And you still had your wound. I brought you here. Now, this might be hard to believe and all. But I believe, you were attacked by a werewolf?"

"You are joking right? Do you mean a wolf?"

"No. A werewolf. And he gave you the bite. Meaning you will become a werewolf. I mean you already turned. And if you notice your wound healed. And if you pay attention, you will notice that all of your other senses will increase as well."

Suddenly you think about, how you heard his footsteps, however, after that, he took awhile to get there. Meaning you probably heard him while he was still far. How is that even possible?

You look down at your stomach and you also think about how it was gone. Perhaps he was right. It made sense after all. Never before you would think such thing existed. Yes, on comic books maybe, films, fiction, that sort of stuff. But never in real life. And now you were most likely one. 

"How do you know all of that stuff?"

"Because I'm also a werewolf."

"Where you the one who attacked me?" You asked and right away you think that would make no sense. He saved you, why would he. 

"Of course not! I saved you and I want to help you. Trust me, you will need my help. The full moon comes in 3 days. You will need my help, it's not going to be pretty."


You really no one else, and now that you were werewolf it would be even harder. Isaac takes you to a better house. You meet Derek. At first, the intention was also to find out who had attacked. But now the bigger concern was to help you and teach you how to be a werewolf and how to control during the full moon. Derek had taught Isaac. Now it was time for Isaac to taught you.

You spent most of your days with Isaac, training, training, hanging out sometimes. You met his friends, Scott who was also a werewolf. The days go by, and the more time you spend with Isaac, the bigger your feelings for him were getting. At first, you tried to ignore them, perhaps you were just confused and uncertain but lately, you sort of feel, like he has the same feelings as you. At least, the way he behaves. 

This one day, you two were about to go yet, to another training. You were getting pretty good in the whole werewolf thing. And you didn't understood why was it still necessary for so many trainings. You had control on the full moon, you knew how to fight without always lose, you were a pretty good badass werewolf by now. However, Isaac still wanted to continue the trainings. At first you were going to ask him why, but then, you liked his company and it was an excuse to be around him, touch him.

"With so much training, I think we could rule the werewolf world some day." You say. Isaac laughs and you notice he became different. Perhaps he was getting shy. 

He doesn't replies to your comment. During an exercise, you decide that it was better to use actions, instead of words. It was a fight and instead of doing what you were supposed to, you just go for it and you kiss him. 

After thinking, and wondering so much. You finally do something. It was all or nothing. Words weren't getting you there, so you did what you thought would solve the problem. Lucky he kissed you back and in that moment, you knew he liked you the same way you like him.

"Perhaps we should do more of this now, instead of all the training." He tells you and you smile.

"Finally!" You say laughing to which he joins you.

You and Isaac were both falling in love with each other deeply and you couldn't be happier about it.


Here it is! Sorry for taking so long! Enjoy!

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