Preferences - How you met

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Scott: (Scott one was made by Warning_Fandom_Zone)

You struggled having to glide the paint brush across the canvas. You weren't much of an artist, but some how your sitting on a stool, with a wooden slick paint brush in your hand, baby blue paint dripping on the canvas.

"You know your supposed to move your hand." You turned around to a boy in dark brown hair. You turned around dipping your paintbrush back into the cup of the same color.

"I'm thinking." You said clearing. You sat straight, looking at the canvas. Move, twitch, do something Y/N!

You tried to rest your elbow on the canvas stand but ended up soaking your shirt in yellow paint. You heard a burst of laughter erupt behind you. Jerk.

"Mr. McCall, is there something you like to share with us." I look back at McCall. He shook his head repeatedly.

"N-no m'am."

I rolled my eyes and raised my the arm that wasn't soaked in yellow paint.


"Can I go use the bathroom? Got a little paint here and there." Once again that McCall laughed.

"Ahh, so that's what's so funny, why don't you take Mrs. Y/L/N and clean her up your self?" I shook my head repeatedly. This paint was straight to dry, I got out of my seat putting my hand on my hip, I felt cold liquid go down my fore arm showing on my hand. Yellow paint. I exited the room, closing the door behind me. I heard the door shut again, I looked back and say McCall. I rolled my eyes and focused on this yellow paint that was slowly crusting on my shirt and around my elbow.

"Hey! Hey, wait up." You stopped on your heels waiting for him to catch up. I'm a few seconds he was right next to you. You did talk to him but kept walking.

"Sorry about that." He glanced at my elbow than at his hands. I kept walking spotting a bathroom near by.

"You can talk can't you?" He stepped in front of me.

"Yea, but it's obvious someone can't shut up." You walked past him into the girls bathroom, you had a smirk on your face knowing her can't come in here, but he was following you to the sink.

"This is the girls bathroom, pretty sure your not a girl." You face him.

"Yea, but I do have to help you get cleaned up." You looked at the faucet and turned it on. You tried scrubbing the paint off, it worked a little but left and bright ugly yellow stain.

"Ughh!" You have 4 more classes today and you couldn't walk around with a dirty shirt.

"Here borrow my jacket!" He says taking off this sweat shirt.

"It's okay-"

"No, it's not, if I had a bright yellow ugly stain on my shirt I'd kill for a sweatshirt." He handed me his sweatshirt in a ball. You looked at him then the jacket finally grabbing the jacket, you slipped it on, and musky smell filled your nose.

"Thanks." You smiled. He smiled too. We back to the classroom side my side.

"You know you never told me your name."

"It's Y/N."


"Well Y/N I hope to spend more time with you." He smiled. You looked at your feet smiling too. Then looks up back at him.

"Me too." You guys walked back in to classroom sitting back in your seats, you felt a pair of eyes burn in the back of your head, but you knew who. You kept smiling, you picked up the paint brush letting your hand flow across the canvas, creating a yellow flower. Because yellow was now your favorite color.

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