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"Aiesha?" He was calling you but you were completely not focus. "Aiesha?" He calls again.

"Yes." You quickly turn around. "Sorry babe, was distracted." 

"Are you hungry? Thinking about ordering some pizza." 

"Yes, sounds delicious." You reply and he notices how distracted you are. Stiles gets closer and he starts tickling you. And suddenly you have an idea.

"Stiles, let's play hide and seek."

He looks to you with his eyes wide open. 

"Are you serious?" 

"Yes. It has been so long. I know we are not kids, but c'mon. Let's do it." You tell him and you nearly did sounded like a child begging for it. So he decides to say yes.

You start by counting, while he goes away to hide. This was actually really fun. Although, it was scary because you knew how many times Stiles had to run or hide away because of the whole situation going on with his friends, but this was just a game and you were hoping you wouldn't scare him that much. 

You finish counting and you go after him. The house was empty, and you had a lot to search. As you do, you think that you should have set some limits, like certain places were off and he couldn't go there. This way was being much harder.



You were calling him all sorts of cutie names, in hopes that he would find it funny or try to reply and completely forget that he was playing hide and seek.

You hear someone running, so it had to be Stiles. You run after him, and you hear him hiding behind a door. 

"Got ya." You say as you are standing right there, watching him catching his breath. 

"Calm down crazy. It's just a game." You tell him as he looks tired. You can't help but laugh of how dramatic he was being. He gets up and you start running. 

"Again?" He says and he runs after you, trying to catch you. As he tries to do so, both fall on the floor.

You can't help but laugh till your stomach starts hurting. Stiles laughs as well and eventually he starts kissing you. You were both still on the floor, and the make out session begins. You were more than happy with him. And you couldn't be more proud of your boyfriend. Soon the make up session comes to an end, as someone is at the hour.

"Pizza!!" Stiles says as he goes get it.

And the rest of the night goes like, eating pizza and watching movies. A real great date night.


sorry, this sucks I know. And sorry for taking forever to update. I just haven't felt the best inspired lately and I hate myself for it. 

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