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"You know, one day, you and Stiles will get married." Allison turns to you. Where did that even came from? You think to yourself.

You were all in class. And as usual, you and Stiles didn't stopped messing around with each other. Sarcastic comments, being silly, the same old same. He was your best friend and you know you were his. Deep down, you have always liked him, more than just a best friend, but you didn't wanted to mess up things, so you kept it to yourself. But with everyone around both of you, making this sort of comments, it was getting harder and harder. 

You don't reply to Allison and you just keep being silly with Stiles. 

"Hey, Stiles!" Scott calls him. "Wanna have lunch with us?" 

"Sure. Can I bring my pet?" He replies and you frown to him right away. He just makes that cocky smile. 

"You fucker." 

"Hey missy, and Stilinski, why it doesn't surprises me?! Take your conversation outside please." 

The teacher wasn't happy at all, but Stiles didn't seemed to mind. He gets up, grabs his stuff and then he gives you his hand. "Come on." He whispers.

You get up and you give him your hand.

"ugh get married already." someone makes a comment in the class. But both ignore, at least you think Stiles ignored.

"Someday we will get expelled." You tell Stiles. You sounded more serious than you wanted to.

"Why? For being funny? Don't be silly. Come on." He grabs your hand again.

"Stiles? Where are we going?"

"You will see."

You just keep walking. Still holding hands. You wanted to act normal, but all those previous comments, were messing with your head, big time. Of course you like Stiles, he is your best friend. And he likes you too in a best friend way. But all those comments, were just bringing up, feelings you had put away a long time ago. 

He makes you climb a little bit, and when you notice, you were on top of the roof.

"This view is actually quite something." You tell him and you notice you were still holding hands. 

He sits, and you sit next to him. In order to do so, your hands get apart. You notice he was different. All of the sudden, he didn't seemed the usual sarcastic, goofy Stiles, you were used to. He actually seemed a bit serious. 

"You know, I heard those comments in class."

Oh shit.

"I want you to know, I have nothing to do with it. They were just being silly." You tell him. You were scared he would think, you said something that would cause them to make such comments.

"Were they? Were they just being silly? Because, I love you." 

"I love you too Stiles." 

"No. I mean it. I don't love you just as in, you are my silly best friend. I love love you."

Now that, had blown your mind. And you couldn't be happier, also, it made you sad, you could have told him before about your feeling, but maybe it was for the best. Who knows if he felt this way back then?

"I mean it too, I love love you." 

He smiles, and leans in to kiss you. After the kiss, you just laugh. "You fell in love with your pet." You say laughing.

"Oh don't worry. I think Deaton can help me." He laughs as well.

You both stay there until it's time to get home. You could already hear Allison, telling Scott how she was right, they probably even made bets. But in that moment you were just happy. You always had Stiles, but now, you could do what you always dreamed of. 

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