Isaac Lahey

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Imagine for JezmarieVC


Night was coming and you were getting hungry so you call Isaac to know if he wants to go and grab something to eat and just hang out for a bit but sadly he had some work to do, something about the werewolf world, you say it's ok and you just decide to stay home and find something to eat and sleep to a different day coming. 

New day, you ready and Isaac meets you like he does every single morning and for some reason you were feeling upset and he felt it, but still he didn't talked about it at first and it got you even more mad because you knew that he knew.

Both walked together for a bit without speaking at all until you finally snapped saying how tired you were of him putting the werewolf thing always ahead of you, deeply you knew that yeah maybe you were being too emotional, he had no other choice, but you loved him and you just wanted to be with your boyfriend especially in days like last night when you just needed him to be next to you and always the constant fear of losing him, you wanted it to stop. 

He seems so calm at first, he looks at you and simply replies "It's not my choice.", you knew that already but you couldn't help but feel like he wasn't giving a damn about it. "I know it's not Isaac but i feel you don't care about it either." You were trying to stay calm this time but you noticed he got a bit more angry when you said that and he was ready to snap too. 

"So you think it's easy? I'm bloody trying to protect you! It's not my choice, I would be with you if I could all the time, but we can't be always together, I have priorities at the moment" you couldn't believe it, he was upset sure, but saying he had priorities as if you weren't one of them, you decided to simply run away, you knew it wouldn't end well for neither of you if it kept going. 

You think about it and you end up getting to the conclusion that in fact he was kinda of right, he had no control in what was going on and he was just trying to make you stay safe but sometimes you just wanted it him to be there, wouldn't you be more safe with him around? 

You decide to walk back home thinking how stupid it was but all the sudden you just feel something getting close to you and fall on the floor unconscious. You wake up and you have absolutely no idea where you are, it was all pretty dark, all you could see was this man standing there with red eyes, you heard about him from Isaac, it was Deucalion. You weren't sure to feel scared or not as you had no idea yet of what he wanted from you. 

You were about to say something and he steps ahead of you. "before you ask, I've decided you are just perfect and exactly what I needed to attract Isaac here leading then to Scott." 

You didn't understood right away, even though you knew who he was you were in it, you had no idea what to think, you just wish Isaac was there but then you also thought if he was still mad. 

Isaac waiting for a little bit until he decides to call you since you took off and he wanted to know how mad you still were, you don't pick up at first so he calls once more and more and more and starts getting worried as you don't pick up. He gets really worried but he decides that you are probably just upset but anyway he decides to go to your house and you aren't there. On his way back home he gets a call from Scott. "Hey man so not sure how to say this but Deucalion has Jezmarie! " Isaac hangs up and rushes to Scott place, he was mad, really mad. 

He gets to Scott's house asking details and more details! "I'm not sure, I just got a message saying she was with him." Scott tells him, "We need to take her out of there, wherever she is, I need her now" Isaac yells and Scott tries to calm him down but was impossible. They come out with a plan and rush to where Deucalion supposely is, Isaac wasn't thinking very well so Scott has no other choice but to try and make him going on the right way, Scott wasn't sure if he was able to to keep up with the plan since he was deeply mad. 

They get to the place and no one seemed to be around, they get inside and Isaac can see you right away, you seemed to be asleep, he wants to go and get you already but for some reason Scott thinks it's not a very good idea, maybe it's better to just wait a little bit but Isaac doesn't care he runs to you and with his claws he cuts the rope and sets you free, for both surprise no one shows up and Isaac tries to take you outside, carrying you but it was being too good to be true, as walking out Scott is caught by Aiden and a fight begins, Isaac wanted to help but he had to make sure you were safe, in that moment he realized everything that he was doing wrong, he didn't had to be there always, he was sure Scott could handle it like he did, he fought Aiden and made it out, something else could have happened to you if he had gone to help Scott. 

He doesn't want to stop so he just keeps carrying and rushes home with Scott, he takes you to Scott's house since his mother wasn't there. You take awhile to wake up and Isaac was getting worried, he layed next to you stroking your hair making sure you were ok until you slowly open your eyes and smile seeing that he was there just like you wanted. You try to speak but he places his fingers on your mouth as he felt he was the done who had to speak, " I'm so sorry, this was all my fault, you could have gotten deeply hurt and I realized you are my priority, If I want to protect you I have to be around!" Once again you wanted to speak again but he kisses you leaving you breathless and whispering how much he loves you and after a while you are able to get your breath back and reply saying also how much you love him and how silly both were earlier. 

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