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"Are you okay Isaac?" Lydia asks him as she notices he was looking particularly weird this morning. 

"I'm just nervous. I'm asking her out." He says and he smiles. 

"Ask who out?" 

"Her." Isaac says pointing to the girl sitting up front.

"Andreia?" Lydia asks

"Yes. shh. I don't know how to do it though." 

"Well she's your friend already. She knows about you, that's a plus. Just do it." Lydia replies and they both need to shut up as they receive certain looks from the teacher.

Isaac keeps staring at you. He was killing his head trying to find ways to just ask you out on a date. You have been friends for a long time now and of course you knew about him being a werewolf, in fact, you were friends before he became one, so it wasn't that hard to figure it out. For a while now he had feelings for you, but he was sort of shy so he never asked you out. Until now. 

Class is over. You get up and you wait for Lydia and Isaac to join you.
You and Lydia start talking about a few things that you learned in class leaving Isaac sort of out of the conversation. You had no idea what he intended to do. 

"I need to go. I'll see ya later Andreia. Bye Isaac." Lydia says and he waves at her. 

You notice the look Lydia gave Isaac so you decide to ask him if something was going on.

"Do you wanna go on a date with me?" 

"Yes. Yes, of course. I thought you would never ask." You say and you laugh and he makes a weird face. For a moment he thinks you might not be taking him serious.

You go home and later on, Isaac was right outside your door. It was Friday so it seemed like the perfect day to have a date. No school the next day. Lucky you were already ready so he didn't had to wait that long.

"So, where are we going?" You ask him.

"I thought, perhaps, we could use Derek's house. Or first go out for dinner. Yes. Dinner first." He looks muddled  and you can't help but always feeling like laughing. He was just looking so cute and funny.

Like he said, first you two go out for dinner. It felt weird, because for the first time, you two went out with the intention as more than just friends. It was a date after all. Right in front of you wasn't your friend Isaac but the Isaac the potential boyfriend. 

You had to admit that you were starting to feel a bit nervous as you both leave and head towards Derek's old house. Supposedly it was rare for someone to show up there. At least Isaac made sure to tell you to feel comfortable and okay that no one was going to appear. 

Isaac uses his phone for some music. The ambient was a bit weird and the whole thing felt awkward. If it was just a friendly date, things would have gone much different. You were scared because you didn't wanted the date to be a fail and you knew how excited and nervous Isaac was and also you did liked him. And you wanted something positive to come out with this.

"I know we don't have many things here to do. But I guess, well I have this really cool game on my phone. Let's try." Isaac says.

You both sit on the floor. There were some blankets and all, so it felt comfortable, It seemed weird at first but after a while of playing, it all goes back to what it used to be. It was no longer the awkward date, and Isaac was again your friend from a long time and you could also see him as your boyfriend. 

Things start to get hotter and soon you were no longer playing games, you were making out. You never knew until now, or you never noticed how hot Isaac actually was. He actually had great potential, and you were glad it wasn't too late to notice that. One thing leads to another.

"Is this okay for you?" Isaac asks and you just nod and you go back at kissing him. 

"I know something that isn't okay." You hear someone say and you try quickly to cover yourself and reunite all of your clothes and Isaac does the same.


"What is going on here? You didn't told me you and your girlfriend will be coming here." Derek says and he intensifies  his tone in the word "coming."

"I thought you rarely came here. I thought it was okay." Isaac replies. 

Derek goes outside leaving time for you and Isaac to get dress. 

"So am I your girlfriend?" You ask Isaac before going outside. You noticed he didn't made comments when Derek said it and you wanted to know what he thought.

"Yes, if you want to be." He replies.

"Of course I do."

You two go back outside and you go and Derek walks with both of you. The whole way he keeps making jokes about you and Isaac being together inside the house and what you two were doing. It didn't even seemed like a Derek thing. But he seemed to be having fun.

You for once are so over the moon that you don't even care about Derek and his comments. Perhaps what happened in the house didn't ended as you expected, but at least something happened and the date wasn't a complete fail as you were now dating Isaac Lahey and you couldn't be happier. Also you were sure that you would have way more opportunities to continue what both started back in the house.


sorry for taking so long!!! I'm trying to post all the requests I have at the moment soon as possible, before I hit 100K readings. 
Since some asked if I was going to write a Part 2 of the Stalia/Stydia Imagine, I decided that, once I hit 100K readings I will post a part 2 and a long one. Also for that, I would like, in the comments below to tell me what exactly do you expect from the Part 2 of the imagine, so I can have more or less an idea and if It ends with Stalia or Stydia. Thank you. And enjoy. 

Also... If you like, please check my fanfic, "Teen Banshee" I would like some feedback on it :) 

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