Young Derek

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Imagine for HollandLahey


You were new in Beacon Hills and you were completely alone ever since you became a werewolf and recently you have heard a few things about this place and you couldn't wait to meet everyone especially the ones who were like you. As expected things are a bit harsh in the start but you keep up and soon you realize how friendly everyone actually was. 

This one day you were going to class and you see a ball going into your direction, you are catched by surprised but you catch the ball and you look around to see where it came from and you notice this really handsome boy who was staring at you and you call him asking if it's his ball, he gets closer to you and you notice him smiling as he nods and grabs the ball. 

- What's your name? Are you new here? - He asks and makes a sign so that you walk with him. 

- I'm Holland, you? and yes I'm new here. Just got here a few days ago. 

- I'm Derek, welcome to Beacon Hills. 

Both walk to class and you realize you are in the same as him, he's very nice to you and somehow you feel like you can trust him. A few weeks pass and you two have become great friends and you notice a few things on him that makes you think that he can be also a werewolf but you are too scared to say anything so you decide to keep it for yourself. 

This day Derek invites you to go to his house and you accept it right away without giving a second thought to it. You wonder if maybe the rest of his family might also be like you and as it turns out they all were. Ever since that day his mother has decided to help you and teach you a few things. 

- I'm really glad to meet someone to who I don't need to hide what I am and or put that person in dangerous. - Derek tells you and you feel the same about him. 

Days go by and he tells you that you can stay in his house if you want since you are alone and you decide to accept it since you feel like you could learn a lot from his family. 

Derek is really great and nice to you but you noticed that something has changed about him and you ask him about it and he tells you this story about a girl from his past that died... You then realize what he meant when he said how really glad he was to know you and the fact you were also a werewolf as he didn't wanted you to be in dangerous at all as he felt like he could not protect you. 

- Derek Hale I think I'm starting to fall in love with you. - You tell him and you laugh as you didn't wanted to make it sound so serious but reality was he was indeed making you fall for him.

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