Scott McCall

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Imagine for loveable_kait.

"I don't get why you are being like this, Y/N."

"And what exactly is being like this, Scott?" 

You have tried, for quite some time now to ignore Scott's dating past. But ignoring was easier when you didn't have to face his ex-girlfriend all the time. In fact his first love. That was something hard to compete with. And for some time, you didn't. This wasn't an issue. You and Allison were actually great friends. But lately, things has gotten weird. Their constant shared looks, Scott going out of his way just to meet Allison. Actual things he didn't use to do for her, well he was doing them now. Your heart told you, you had nothing to worry about. Scott loves you but your brain, oh it certainly enjoyed twisting everything and making you overthink every single action.
And tonight things had gone over the top when you found them together, giggling and being awfully close. 

"You know nothing happened" and then you lost it. You don't know who said what and who did it first but soon you were both fighting and you hated fighting with Scott. 

Anxiety began to rise and it was making you feel terrible. So many feelings, so many emotions. And so you leave the house. Not wanting to fight Scott you end up transforming, you did each time you got angry. So you run into the woods. 

Scott was probably worried but he hadn't gone after you so you had found your answer.   I bet he would have come after me if I was Allison. You thought. The jealousy was consuming you and you hated yourself for it. Crying in the middle of the woods, you finally shifted back into your human form. Seconds later someone got closer. 

"Scott?" There was hope in your voice but it was crushed when you realize who it actually was. "Oh, Isaac."

"Sorry," He says. 

You shake your head and you reach out to the end of your shirt and wipe away your tears.
"It's fine. Silly me thinking he would have come after." 

Isaac questions you about what happened and for some reason, you tell him everything. He doesn't argue and he doesn't try to defend Scott nor Allison. But he doesn't agree with you. He's just there, listening. After you're done explaining to him everything and putting out all your feelings, he reaches out, placing his hand on your shoulder, he pushes you closer to him. Your head was now leaning on his chest, you feel like crying again so you turn around and bury your face in his chest. 

"It's okay. You just need to talk things out. I know you don't like fighting and you don't have to. Just talk. Scott will listen, and then you will listen and things will get settled." 

Isaac was being an amazing friend. In the end, you were glad he had been the one to found you. God knows if it had been Scott. Still in a bad temper, you would have end up arguing even more and just make things worse. What you didn't know is that Scott had indeed gone after you.
What happened next really wasn't on your list. Still facing and leaning on Isaac, you were now basically wrapped around his arms. He was comforting you and then a growl made you quickly stand up and push away. Now you weren't sure if it because of the growl you had moved or because of Isaac's body reaction. 

You looked at the sound source to find Scott. He was now just staring, the expression on his face clearly showing how hurt he was feeling. Guilt came over you. 

"Scott! Nothing happened."

"Don't bother." He said and then he left.

You wanted to slap yourself in the face. earlier today you had been arguing and he had used the same words on you. Nothing happened. And now you realize the truth they hold. Jealousy had taken over earlier and now you wish you could have taken it at all. Isaac apologised even though neither of you had done something wrong. What Scott had seen was two friends comforting each other. Just like Scott and Allison had been spending time together, as two friends.
Isaac took you home. He didn't go inside. This wasn't his battle to fight. You said goodbye and taking a deep breath, you got in. 

"Scott?" No one answer and it made you feel worried. But you knew he was home, you could sense him. 

You went upstairs and it was obvious you reeked of anxiety, but not just that. He was in his room. He didn't say a word but you could hear him. For your astonishment, he was crying. 

"Scott? I'm sorry." There wasn't much else you could say. Instead, you moved closer to where he was sitting. His hands were covering his face. You could see however the tears that had fallen. His eyes not yet swallowed. You reached out for his hands, now holding them, you were face to say.
So much sadness in his eyes, mixed with love and regret. If you could see yourself in the mirror you would probably see the same.

Million things you wanted to tell him, how you had been silly, how Isaac was just being a friend, how now you understood exactly what was happening between him and Allison. And you told him. This time, there was no arguing. No one was shouting. He was looking right into you, listening to every word you were saying. In another circumstance, you would have thought about how deeply you fell in love with him every single day. How each time you look deep into his eyes, your heart skips a beat and it's like you're staring at him for the first time. The first time you saw him, the first time you noticed how beautiful he is, inside and out. The way he still makes you blush after dating for so long. Instantly smiling whenever you hear his name. Feeling safe, feeling loved. 

"I love you." And now he was smiling, the most beautiful smile of all. And it was the one he kept mostly for you. "I love you so much that I can no longer imagine myself without you and if one day it is meant to happen then it shall happen. And I won't stop you from leaving or from moving on but not like this and not because of something that didn't actually happen." 

"Scott, I love you too. And I'm sorry. And I have no intentions you leaving you anytime soon." You laughed. "I shouldn't have overreacted. And it caused us both a great deal of pain. I'm sorry like I've told you." 

He just nodded and then he leaned in to kiss you. First it was soft but if felt like being reborn again or like a flower that's slowly blossoming, his right hand on your cheek while the other rest on your waist, pulling you closer. 

The world outside was a battlefield and you two were part of it. But for now, it was you and him. And you stayed cuddling in his bed until eventually both fell asleep.

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