Chapter 1

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Meldiriel is the daughter of Sauron. An evil shadow that looks to control Middle Earth. Sauron is the lord and master of Mordor along with orcs. A long time ago, Sauron met an elf. He fell in love with this elf before the ring was made. After the ring was made, Sauron married the elf. But the elf soon realized that Sauron only had room in his heart for power so she left him. After she left, Meldiriel was born. Her mother kept her away from her father, Sauron, until she no longer could. Meldiriel's mother was killed by Gil-galad. He thought it would be best for Middle Earth, to destroy the one person who had the potential to rise up, if Sauron died. But, what he didn't know, was that Meldiriel's mother wanted to stay away from the darkness and Sauron.

 But, what he didn't know, was that Meldiriel's mother wanted to stay away from the darkness and Sauron

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Sauron learned that Meldiriel was his daughter, so he took her to Mordor. There, he raised her as a father would, but he also told her that Middle Earth should be ruled by him. He filled Meldiriel's mind with all his perspectives instead of letting Meldiriel develop her own. But as she grew up, she began to question her father. Wondering if he really should rule.

Meldiriel had blonde hair and blue eyes like her mother. She had a wonderful character, everything that her father lacked. She was trained in fighting and combat by her father. Meldiriel preferred to use swords and a bow along with arrows.

Her father wasn't really pleased about her method of weapon choosing because it was like the elves but he accepted it. She even started to fight like an elf. She had the tactics of an elf fighter along with the skills. Her father took notice of this but never corrected her because it reminded him of her mother. And deep down he wanted to remember her. 

For one of her birthdays, her father gave her a three-year-old Friesian. She loved the muscular, black horse so much. She named him Durion, which means, dark one. She spent a lot of time with the horse. Meldiriel would groom the horse every day, and they would ride through Mordor together.

Now that you know the back story, we can start with Meldiriel's story.


One day, while she was riding Durion, one of her father's slaves told her that her father would like a word with her. She went back with the ugly creature. Meldiriel hated all the orcs, so if they ever did something she disliked, then she would end them. She couldn't tolerate the smell or their appearance since she was a half-elf.

"You wanted to see my father," Meldiriel said as she walked into the room.

He wasn't in physical form. He was more of a shadow, that looked like an eye that was on fire. He was even called the Great Eye.

He said something that was hard of hearing. He basically said, "War is beginning. Can I count on you?"

"Of course," Meldiriel replied.

"I need you to travel to the Shire and follow the hobit that has the ring."  Her father ordered.

She bowed her head slightly to her father. She was dismissed from the room. Meldiriel walked down to her horse. The horse was saddled and armed with swords and arrows, along with being covered in armor. Meldiriel wore a black dress and cloak that had a hood. The hood covered her face, while the back of the cloak rested on the horse.

She hopped on her horse and looked at the nine dark servants of her father. They wore nothing but cloak and armor. They rode on horses and had swords strapped to their waists. Their horses were covered in armor, along with blood dripping from their legs. They were known as the Nine Servants or Servants of Sauron.

They followed Meldiriel at the start of their journey, which was trying to locate the ring.

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