Chapter 21

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Meldiriel watched as the orc army attacked Helms Deep. They leaned their ladders up against the wall and started climbing. Some orcs had made it over the tall brick wall, while other orcs fell dead on the ground. Everywhere she looked, she saw orcs attacking Helms Deep, while the men of Rohan tried to stop them from breaking their defenses. She was starting to wonder if this was the right thing. Was she really on the right team? She felt bad as she watched many men perish from the battle. She couldn't stand watching the terrible things going on around her.

She looked to her right and saw an orc carrying a torch under the brick wall. She saw the blonde hair elf fire two arrows at it, but it was no use. She knew right then that the orc was going to light the bombs on fire. She leaned forward and waited for an explosive to go off.

When the explosion went off, she saw big bricks and men blown up

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When the explosion went off, she saw big bricks and men blown up. Meldiriel's heart stopped beating. She was so frightened by the sight. Her heart sank in her chest, she lowered her head. She looked at her saddle why she thought. Meldiriel knew that something was wrong with what just happened. What she was doing no longer felt right in her heart. She started questioning her loyalty to her father and his cause.

Meldiriel leaned forward to her horse. She came as close to her horses ear as much as possible. she took a deep breath and whispered, "Gwaem (let's go) Durion."

The horse knew what Meldiriel meant. He knew that she wanted to help the men of Rohan fight the army of orcs. Meldiriel's horse reared up on its back two legs and neighing loudly. When all of the horses feet were back on the ground, Meldiriel took out her two elvish blades in each hand. The horse started running at the army from behind, while Meldiriel killed all of the orcs that she passed.

When she was closer to the entrance that the orcs had made in the wall, she saw them charge into Helms Deep. She saw Aragorn fighting on the front line with the elvish army. Then, she saw Legolas slide down the stairway on a metal shield, as he fired arrows at the orcs. She saw that the men of Rohan were losing badly, so Aragorn told them to fall back to the keep. Then she saw the leader elf of the elvish army stabbed by an orc and then the elf was slashed in the back. She saw Aragorn rush over to him, but Meldiriel knew very well that it was already to late. The elf had passed into the next life.

Moments later, the gate of Helms Deep had been broken through by orcs. Then she saw Aragorn throw Gimli to the orcs on the bridge, then Aragorn jumped. The man and dwarf were trying to by some time, for the gate to be repaired, while they killed many orcs who attempted to pass the dwarf and Aragorn. But not even that held the orcs. They fired a grappling hook, so that the orcs could climb up and over the wall. One ladder had fallen because Legolas had put the rope with his arrow. Meldiriel was impressed with Legolas's skills. Not only was he handsome, but he was a fighter.

No matter what they did, it was no use. The orcs were coming at all different directions. The gate had been breached, and it was only a matter of time. The king of Rohan ordered a retreat, but even at that, there was nothing they could do. Meldiriel didn't care though, she kept on fighting and she would only stop until the battle was over or she was killed.

Meldiriel was alone, fighting the orcs while the men were hiding in the keep. The sun was starting to rise, which was then that she saw them ride out of the keep on horses, while they slashed and killed the orcs who stood in their path. Legolas came riding over to Meldiriel. She stopped and looked at Legolas, while he did the same. They began fighting side by side on their horses.

There was a bright white light that was coming over the hill

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There was a bright white light that was coming over the hill. Meldiriel looked toward the light and saw Gandalf, who was accompanied by many Rohan soldiers. They came down from the hill and started fighting along the few men who remained. The fight was now even. There was more than enough men to fight the remaining of the orc army. Meldiriel felt relieved and happy inside, she felt good that she was helping the men and not her father's orc army.

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