Chapter 28

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The battle had not ended. It only picked up pace. No one had won yet, but the orc army was in the lead. As Meldiriel was fighting, she saw Witch-King fly down to the ground. He was headed toward the king of Rohan. The fell-beast bit into the king's horse and flung him around, until he let go. The king was hurt and dying on the ground. Meldiriel galloped toward the king, but she knew she would not make it in time. As she got closer, she saw a soldier step in front of the Witch-King of Angmar. The soldier was between him and the king. Meldiriel watched the soldier kill Witch-King's fell-beast. She was so shocked, but happy to see that the soldier was making some progress. The soldier started fighting Witch-King, the only thing was that the soldier was not a man, it was a woman. And she ended up killing Witch-King.

Meldiriel started fighting again. She saw an elephant coming toward her, so she started running to the side, when she saw Legolas climbing the elephant. She watched him put two arrows in the elephants head. The good side was ending the battle. They had the army of the dead helping them. The defeat of the orc army was certain. Good would be prevailing soon.

Meldiriel rode her horse in Legolas's direction.

"Legolas!" shouted Meldiriel from behind Legolas.

He turned around just in time to grab Meldiriel's arm. She put all her might into pulling Legolas up on her horse. He was seated behind her. Legolas was firing his arrows at the enemy, while Meldiriel steered her horse.

"Where have you been?" yelled Meldiriel.

"Trying to get the army of the dead to help us." replied Legolas.

"Was it really that hard?" teased Meldiriel

"Yes it was." joked Legolas.


The evil orc army had been defeated. Good had won the battle, but at a great cost. Many lives were extinguished. But there was peace once more. Meldiriel stopped her horse and let Legolas down. She looked down at him, while he looked up at her.

"What?" asked Meldiriel.

"You know you can't leave." said Legolas.

"Indeed I do, which is why I am not running."

Meldiriel hopped off her horse and put her hands up in the air. Aragorn, Gimli, Gandalf, and remaining soldiers of the battle ran over to Meldiriel. They pointed swords, spears, and arrows at her so she wouldn't flee. Legolas stood by her, so that nothing terrible would come to her. Two guards came at her, from behind. They took her arms and held her tightly. She was brought to her knees and Aragorn stepped in front of her.

"Who are you?" asked Aragorn.

Meldiriel did not answer. She simply remained quiet.

"I'll ask you again, who are you?" added Aragorn.

Meldiriel still did not answer.

"Remove her hood." ordered Aragorn to one of the soldiers.

The soldier grabbed her hood and pulled it down. Everyone around her was shocked. Their eyes widened and their mouths dropped. Meldiriel slowly lifted her head up at Aragorn. Her blonde hair blew with the wind, and her blue eyes were revealed. Legolas was probably the most shocked to see the beautiful elf under to black hood.

"Im (I am) Meldiriel, lellig ({my} daughter) of Sauron."

Everyone was shocked to find out that she was the daughter of Sauron. It didn't make sense. How was an elf his daughter?

"That is impossible. Your father hates elves, how can you be his daughter?" asked Gandalf.

"Before he wanted power, my father did indeed like elves. Before he was Sauron, Lord of Mordor, he was a simple Maia. My mother was an elf, and they both fell in love. When she realized he was going evil, she left him and had me. Unfortunately, since she was the wife of Sauron, the king of Minas Tirith, during that time had her killed. Which made me go under the care and protection of my father, Sauron." explained Meldiriel.

"Why have you been helping us?" asked Legolas.

"I recently have seen what is going on, which has caused me to question my father's opinions."

"Will you help us fight?" added Aragorn to the conversation.

Meldiriel didn't know what to say. She didn't even have an answer for herself. So she thought for a moment, and then answered by saying, "I-"

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