Chapter 24

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It was dark out. The sun was starting to rise. Meldiriel remained a ways away from the kingdom of Rohan. She eventually saw Legolas come out of one of the buildings. He was dressed in a black cloak to disguise him in the dark. She knew that he was looking at her because he was facing her direction. Her heart started to beat faster and faster every moment he was looking at her. Then he turned to face the sunset, causing her heart rate to drop. Then Aragorn came out and went over to Legolas's side. Meldiriel watched both of them. She studied their every move.


"What are you doing out here, Legolas?" asked Aragorn

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"What are you doing out here, Legolas?" asked Aragorn.

Legolas turned to Aragorn, then turned his attention back to the sunrise.

"I had a hard time sleeping." replied Legolas.

Aragorn looked out at the sunrise. He was trying to see what Legolas was seeing, but he couldn't figure it out. Aragorn looked to the side at Legolas.

"Is there something on your mind?" added Aragorn.

Legolas looked at Aragorn like, how did you know? Legolas turned to face Meldiriel once more. Aragorn followed Legolas's lead. He turned too. Legolas pointed out at Meldiriel, so that Aragorn could see. Aragorn's eyes widened. He was so shocked to see the black figure.

"We are being watched." whispered Aragorn.

"Indeed." replied Legolas.

Once more, Legolas turned to Aragorn. Aragorn looked confused. Legolas had a face that made him look shocked and worried.

"He is here." said Legolas.


Meldiriel saw Legolas and Aragorn run back inside the building. She could feel her father's presence here, but she didn't know why. He was not in a form that could walk the ground of Middle Earth. It took her awhile to figure it out, but then she pieced it together.

"The palantir." said Meldiriel to herself.


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It was now day and Meldiriel did not move from her position. She remained observing Rohan. There was nothing knew happening, until she saw the gate open. She saw Gandalf and one of the hobbits ride out and away from Rohan. Meldiriel knew that the both of them were riding to Minas Tirith of Gondor.


Aragorn and Legolas were looking out at the black figure. They were waiting to see if it was going to follow Gandalf and Pippin. They waited and waited but Meldiriel did not move.

"What is it doing?" asked Aragorn.

"I think the proper question is why is it following us and keeping tabs on us?" added Legolas to the conversation.

Sorry for the short chapter.

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