Chapter 20

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Aragorn stepped forward, standing in front of the line of soldiers on the wall. The orc army started stopping their spears and shields, while they started making noise. Aragorn took out his sword from his holster and held it up with the pointed end pointing up at the the sky. Meldiriel held up her arm in a ninety degree angle, causing the orcs to stop what they were doing. Aragorn lowed his weapon and looked down at Meldiriel.

"There is an easy way out of this, Aragorn." yelled Meldiriel.

"Oh yeah, what way is that?" asked Aragorn loudly.

"Surrender." answered Meldiriel.

"I don't think so." said Aragorn.

"It is either you surrender, or I will send these orcs after you. These orcs have come a long way and they are thirsty for human blood. You may think that those walls will protect you, but it is only a matter of time before I break through. You may have an advantage in position, but you lack in number which I happen to have an advantage in. I see your men. They are frightened and scared, so I will tell my army to strip them of their lives quickly." yelled Meldiriel.

The orc army started shouting. They thought that what Meldiriel said was quiet true. While the orcs rejoiced, the men of Rohan started to have their fear consume them. They were all scared for their lives, and after hearing that speech, it only made them want to run away. Aragorn lifted his sword up once again, making the men of Rohan draw their bows and arrows.

"So what do you say, Aragorn?" asked Meldiriel.

Aragorn said nothing. He simply waited and looked down at Meldiriel. Then an arrow from an older soldier was released and killed one of the orcs on the front line. Aragorn told everyone to hold their arrows in elvish. Meldiriel did not turn around to look at the orc, she simply kept her eyes on Aragorn. The orcs however were pleased. They saw their fellow orc fall down onto the ground, which caused all the other orcs to wound themselves up.

"Such a pity, I really didn't want to hurt you." shouted Meldiriel. "Oh well, novaer (farwell) Aragorn."

Meldiriel turned her horse around and rode into the army of orcs. When she came to the boulder where the head orc was standing, she told him, "Do what you must."

The orc gave the orders to the army, and the battle had begun.

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