Chapter 12

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After the small battle between the fellowship and the group of Uruk Hai, the orcs met up with Meldiriel. They met in a large open land which was the property of Rohan. Meldiriel saw the orcs arrive with two hobbits. One was awake and remained quiet, while the other was completely unconscious. She waited for Uruk Hai, the leader of the group, to step forward. She saw him shoving his way through the orcs, making his way to the front.

"Report," Meldiriel demanded. 

"We were a success," Uruk Hai reported.

"Very well," Meldiriel began. "Take the hobbits to Isenguard. Pass through these lands of Rohan. Halfway in you will group with some orcs, who will accompany you back to Isenguard."

Uruk Hai nodded his head and signaled the orcs to follow him. They started running in the opposite direction of her. She waited a couple of minutes. She looked at the direction in which the orcs came from, to make sure they weren't being followed. Everything seemed fine until she spotted something in the distance.

The man, dwarf, and the elf were following the orc pack. Meldiriel was very mad right now. The orcs said that they were successful, but they weren't completely successful. Once the group of the elf, dwarf, and man spotted her, the elf took out an arrow. He drew the arrow and pointed it at her. Meldiriel reacted immediately. She turned her horse, Durion, and ran in the direction of the orcs.

Legolas put his arrow away because he knew it would be a waist of an arrow to fire it at her because she was far away. Meldiriel was far away from them.


Legolas kept wondering who that was. They were always being followed by her, or she was helping them. He didn't think that one of the cloaked creatures would ever help them, but that one did. He was very curious, as to who that was. There was a feeling that he got whenever that creature was near him, but he didn't know exactly what the feeling was. 

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