Chapter 4

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It was the next day and the Nine Servants of Sauron had located the hobbit. He was riding with a she-elf known as Arwen. The servants were in pursuit of the elf and hobbit. Meldiriel was behind them a couple of ways but was running across the land, trying to catch up. The servants and the elf were finally in her view until they entered the trees. The servants followed the elf, but she was going in all directions trying to avoid them. 

The servants followed Arwen down to the river. But, Arwen was to0 smart, to where she fooled the servants. The water had risen and attacked the servants pushing them down the river. Arwen stood in the water, watching the water take the servants down the river, but before she continued on, Meldiriel came down the path. She stopped her horse on the other side of the river. She made her horse step into the water. Arwen was shocked at what she saw. She didn't know who this was.

"Pedig edhellen (do you speak elvish)?" Arwen asked.

"No (no means yes in elvish)," Meldiriel answered.

"Man esselya na (what is your name)?"  Arwen continued.

"Am man (why), Arwen?" Meldiriel questioned.

Arwen was a little nervous now. She didn't know who was under that dark cloak. How did it know her name? Arwen whispered something into her horse's ear, that made the horse run away. Meldiriel followed in pursuit of Arwen. She knew they were only a couple of miles away from Rivendell, so she tried to stop Arwen. Their horses were running side by side.

Meldiriel saw that the hobbit was in immense pain and that he was fading slowly. Arwen looked at Meldiriel, all she saw was darkness. She had terror in her eyes as Meldiriel rode beside her.

"Daro (stop) Arwen," Meldiriel yelled.

"U (no)!"  Arwen shouted back.

"Arwen, you pe-channas (idiot). Daro (stop) your horse," Meldiriel commanded.

"U (no)!" Arwen replied.

Meldiriel looked ahead and saw that she was now in Rivendell's territory, so she slowed her horse down, letting Arwen escape. Arwen kept the same pace, as she rode away from Meldiriel. She looked back at Meldiriel and saw that she had stopped pursuing her.

"The Hobbit will now be healed by Elrond, Lord of Rivendell," Meldiriel said to herself. "And when he steps out of Rivendell, I'll be waiting."

"Come on Durion, we must go into Rivendell to see what is going on," Meldiriel mumbled to her horse.

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