Chapter 9

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Meldiriel galloped across the fields, which had tall stick bushes. It didn't take long for Meldiriel to be just a couple of ways away from seeing the tower of Isenguard. She stopped her horse for a moment. She looked at the tall tower that was no longer surrounded by trees. The place was dark. She knew that Saruman had already started creating her father's army. They were cutting down trees, making Isenguard part of the darkness in Middle Earth.

She kicked her horse into a gallop. She was now heading toward the tower. She was requested by her father, to see how Saruman's progress was going. She came to the walls of Isenguard, which was at the end of the line of trees. She kicked her horse forward, walking through the Isengaurd boundaries. Meldiriel saw that the orcs were working hard, to provide her father with his army.

As she walked by orcs, who were working, they stopped working and looked at her. She did not turn to face any of them or moved her head in any position. She kept looking forward to the tower. She looked serious and tough, making sure that they would notice her. The orcs had stopped to look at her because they knew she was their master's daughter, and they were all scared to die by her hand.

When she finally came closer to the tower, she saw Saruman standing in the front waiting for her arrival. Meldiriel and her horse stopped in front of Saruman. She hopped off her horse, handing her reins to a small scared orc that hurried over to her.

Before she went up to Saruman, she turned to the orc that took her horses reins.

"Be careful with Durion, I didn't name him the 'dark one' just because of his color," Meldiriel said to the orc.

The orc gulped down some of his saliva with panic on his face. He was very scared to be holding the horses reigns now. Meldiriel walked up the steps, being only a couple of feet behind from Saruman.

"I trust your journey was pleasant." Saruman greeted.

"Enough with the pleasantries, Saruman. I am here for a reason," Meldiriel snapped walking into the tower.

Before Saruman followed Meldiriel inside, he looked out at the orcs who had paused their work.

"Get back to work, before I have her extinguish your lives," Saruman ordered.

The orcs immediately went back to their work and Saruman walked into the tower. Meldiriel took of her black hood, revealing her blonde hair and face. She looked around the inside of the tower and then turned to Saruman.

"What do you have to report," Meldiriel asked.

"Everything is going according to plan. The army is growing every minute we speak, my lady," Saruman reported.

"Very well," Meldiriel commented. "I shall be on my way now."

Meldiriel walked out of the tower. When she was outside she put her hood back on. The orcs stopped working once again. She looked at her horse, who was no longer held by the orc. The orc was lying on the ground with a broken leg, that was twisted in the wrong direction. She stepped down from the steps and grabbed her horse's reigns. She hopped on her horse and rode her horse in a circle around the orc.

"I told you to hold my horse's reigns, and now look at you. You have failed to hold an order," Meldiriel said.

She put her horse into an elegant trot. The horse trotted around the orc. Meldiriel took out a long sharp elvish blade and slashed the head off of the orc. The orcs were all panicked once they saw her slash their fellow orc's head off. Meldiriel put her sword back away.

"Your orcs are weak, Saruman," Meldiriel shouted. "My father will not stand for this."

She turned her horse to the main path, that led out of the tower's land. She galloped on the path and passed the orcs, who had stopped their work. She was now heading to Lothlorien, to catch up with the Fellowship.

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