Chapter 31

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Meldiriel was on her horse, when one of the orcs at the top of the gate told her that an army of men was heading their way. They were small in numbers. Then the orc informed her that Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Gandalf, and two hobbits were riding over to the gate. Meldiriel waited for more information on the matter to be said.

"They are requesting presence with the Lord of Mordor." said the orc.

"Open the gate." ordered Meldiriel.

The orcs and trolls started opening the big gate. They made a big enough opening for Meldiriel and "The Mouth of Sauron" to go through. She saw Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, the two hobbits, and Legolas stopped in front of her. She walked over in their direction, while she remained on the side of "The Mouth of Sauron."

Meldiriel didn't say anything to them

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Meldiriel didn't say anything to them. She didn't want to get involved and make things worse than they already were. So she just stayed to the side and let "The Mouth of Sauron" take care of things. The entire time "The Mouth of Sauron" was talking to them, Meldiriel was looking at Legolas. She saw how he was no longer happy. He was quiet and didn't show any emotions.

The conversation between sides was starting to end. Meldiriel saw Aragorn start riding over to "The Mouth of Sauron." She was watching his every move. She knew something was going on. Once Aragorn was close enough, he sliced the head off of "The Mouth of Sauron." Meldiriel's horse reared up. Once her horse was calm and had all four legs on the ground, she drew her sword. Meldiriel wasn't sure that Aragorn would kill her, so she made sure he wouldn't by taking out her weapon.

"What are you doing?" asked a panicked Meldiriel.

"This needs to end." said Aragorn.

"I know you want this to end, but behind that gate is something your men and you aren't prepared for, Aragorn."

Meldiriel turned her horse away from them. She canter over to the gate, while the orcs were getting it open. Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, the two hobbits, and Legolas rode back to their army. When the gate was completely open, there were rows and columns of orcs. The orc army was much greater than the human army. Meldiriel had the orcs circle around them, while she looked at the panicked and scared human army.

Deep down, Meldiriel knew this was a mistake

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Deep down, Meldiriel knew this was a mistake. She wanted to ride over to Legolas and join him, but she couldn't. Her father was watching her every move, since the gate was wide open. As she looked at Legolas, she started to cry.

Legolas saw Meldiriel crying. His heart sank in his chest. He wanted her to be with him, but she had made her choice. Legolas wished all this violence and war would just go away, but that would be impossible. They were out numbered and Meldiriel's father was watching everything going on.

Aragorn charged at the army, and his army followed him.

The battle had begun

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The battle had begun.

Sorry for the short chapter.

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