Chapter 19

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Once the high orc, who was leading the Isengard army saw Meldiriel riding toward them, he told all the orcs to hault. The orc army had stopped and waited further orders. Meldiriel stopped in front of the army and called the leader orc to step forth. The orc came forth and bowed to Meldiriel.

"You are to follow my command now." said Meldiriel.

The head orc nodded his head.

"You have already let the men of Rohan know that you are coming. Now have the orcs move out double time." ordered Meldiriel.

Meldiriel turned her horse around and began riding toward Helms Deep once again. The head orc yelled the orders to the orc army, saying that they needed to make up for lost time. The orc army marched behind Meldiriel, as they headed toward Helms Deep. As she rode, Meldiriel knew that the people of Rohan would stand no chance against this army, and she feared the worst for the people.


During the night, as the orc army and Meldiriel were almost there at Helms Deep she heard a noise. She put her hand up into a fist position, which made the orc army come to a halt. The orcs looked around trying to figure out why they stopped, since they did not hear the noise due to their marching. Meldiriel listened. She knew exactly what the noise was. It was the noise of a horn, but not just any horn. It was an elf horn. Meldiriel figured out that there must have been and elf army that arrived at Helms Deep to help Rohan fight the orc army.

One side of her was happy that an elf army had arrived to help, while the other half of her was not happy. Even though, the elves had arrived, she still knew that there was still no chance of the men of Rohan winning against her father's orc army. She put her fist down and kept on riding to Helms Deep. The orcs continued on with their marching to Helms Deep as they followed Meldiriel.


When Meldiriel and the orc army had finally had Helms Deep in their sights, they picked up the pace

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When Meldiriel and the orc army had finally had Helms Deep in their sights, they picked up the pace. There was a rain storm above them, that was making lightning flash. Then, the rain came pouring down. When they came closer to Helms Deep she saw men and elves spread out inside the walls of Helms Deep. She saw that Aragorn had made it back, and she even saw the blonde haired elf. The head orc had walked on top of a big boulder near the wall. He told the orcs to halt when he felt like they were close enough to the wall. Meldiriel was riding up toward the wall, while the orcs who were in her path made room for her to ride through.

She looked up at the men who were on the top of the wall

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She looked up at the men who were on the top of the wall. They all were dressed in armor and they all held weapons. But behind the armor, she saw their fear taking over them. When she came close enough to the wall, so that every soldiers saw her, she stopped.


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The men looked down at Meldiriel. They didn't know who the hooded figure was because her face was covered by the darkness, since she had her hood on. They became frightened and scared, while they waited for her to speak.

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