Chapter 30

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Meldiriel had made it to Mordor. She was stopped at the front of the gate, waiting for the orcs to let her in. The orcs opened the gate just enough for Meldiriel to come in. She kicked her horse forward and entered the lands of Mordor. Nothing had changed since the last time she was home. There were still many orcs everywhere, and it was still dark. Meldiriel didn't like this place anymore. She liked the other lands of Middle Earth, that offered her sunshine and happiness. The entire ride to Mordor was difficult for her. She couldn't stop thinking about how Legolas kissed her. She knew that there was something between them, but what was she suppose to do? So Meldiriel trotted through groups of orcs, on her way to her father's tower.

When she reached the tower, she did not go to the very top. Instead, she remained on her horse at the bottom of the tower. She knew that her father would be mad to find out that men had won the battle. And she didn't want to be close to him when it would happen.

"Meldiriel, what do you have to report?" asked her father.

"The battle was unsuccessful, men has prevailed this time." said Meldiriel.

Meldiriel was shocked that her father actually took this information well. He didn't get made and he didn't show how he felt about that information.

"Then the remaining men of Middle Earth will be heading here," said Sauron. "We must be prepared to meet them in battle once more. Meldiriel go to the gate and wait for them to come."

Meldiriel tipped her head to her father and then said, "Of course father."

She turned her horse away from her father, but in the direction of the gate. She made her horse go into a canter, so that she could make it to the gate early before anything would happen. Meldiriel was lost. She didn't know what to do anymore. Meldiriel didn't know what to fight for. Should she join Legolas's side, or remain on her father's?

Once Meldiriel reached the gate, the head orc came up to her. He was a filthy creature and Meldiriel hated him just by looking at him.

"What's your business here?" asked the head orc.

"Sauron has told me to take command of the gate." replied Meldiriel.

"Really? Is that so? I think not, this is my job and I intend to keep it."

"You dare disobey the great eye's orders?" yelled Meldiriel.

Her patience with these orcs was getting thinner. So Meldiriel took out her sword and sliced off the head of the orc. The orcs around her stopped what they were doing and looked at Meldiriel.

"Is there anyone else, who would like to disobey my orders?" asked a frustrated Meldiriel.

The orcs went back to work. Meldiriel looked around at them doing their work, and saw that they were all scared of her. She was happy to know that she scared them though. Because it would make them listen, or they would be killed.

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