Chapter 14

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Meldiriel caught up with Aragorn, Gimili, and Legolas. She was surprised when she caught back up with them. Instead of just the three of them, they came out with another member added to their group. He was dressed in all white, even his beard and hair was pure white. He held a white staff with a unique design at the top. At first, Meldiriel didn't know who it was, but she caught on. It was Gandalf the Grey, but he wasn't grey anymore. He was now Gandalf the White.

She stayed behind them to keep an eye on them and to follow them. She saw Gandalf call a white horse to him, so he could keep up with Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli since they had horses to ride. The horse that Gandalf had called upon was named Shadowfax. He was such a beautiful horse with a pure white coat.

Meldiriel followed Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas as they rode to the kingdom of Rohan

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Meldiriel followed Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas as they rode to the kingdom of Rohan. She rode her horse behind them a couple of lengths away, so they wouldn't spot her or know that they were being followed. The boys had stopped just before the kingdom of Rohan. Rohan wasn't a big kingdom, but it made up for it with the number of horses they had and the people. Rohan's main building was seated at the top of the hill from which it laid on. The main building was surrounded by many houses that belonged to the people. And around the kingdom was a wall that kept the kingdom safe from outside threats.

Meldiriel knew she couldn't do much when Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf would enter Rohan

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Meldiriel knew she couldn't do much when Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Gandalf would enter Rohan. She knew that the king's mind has been poisoned by Grima Wormtongue, but even at that, Meldiriel knew that the king would still be saved by Gandalf so Meldiriel stopped on a small little hill so she could see everything from a distance. She saw them enter Rohan and enter into the main building that the king would be in. She waited and waited patiently to see what would happen. Her elf-eyes saw everything going on in Rohan from a distance. She saw people going from building to building, while the soldiers stood guard.

Minutes later, Meldiriel saw Grima pushed onto the floor outside the main building. The king had been saved by Gandalf and was now carrying his sword in his hand. The king was about to kill Grima when Aragorn grabbed the king's hand to stop him. They let Grima go. She could tell that Grima wasn't pleased, he was pushing himself through the crowd of people. Then, he headed to the stables to get a horse and rode out of Rohan. She was so disappointed in Grima. He was running away from his mistake like a fool. She was disgusted by him.

Then she turned her attention back to Rohan. Something was said that made the king upset. He looked curious at first, but then he trembled to his feet. Meldiriel then saw the crowd clear around the king. Gandalf took the king outside of the Rohan walls, to where the royal line was buried. She knew right then, that the king's son was dead.


She simply watched Gandalf and the king stand outside, near the king's son's grave. But, then she heard something to her left. She turned her head and saw two weak children riding a horse. They looked tired and weak. The oldest child, the boy, was about to fall off the horse. Meldiriel immediately rode over to them. When she was close enough, she hopped of her horse and ran to the children. She grabbed their horses reins, stopping the horse. Then, she went to the side of the horse and caught the boy before he fell over. His sister was scared though. Meldiriel knew she might of looked scary since she had her dark black cloak on, so she took her hood off. The girl then calmed down.

"Man ceril (what are you doing) children?" Meldiriel asked.

The children looked at each other. They didn't speak elvish and they didn't know what she was saying. Meldiriel knew that she was speaking elvish to the children that were not elves, so she repeated the question in English.

"What are you doing, children," Meldiriel repeated.

"We were fleeing our home, it was being attacked, so our mom told us to go to Rohan." The young girl explained. 

Meldiriel didn't know what to do. She couldn't ride up with them to Rohan, or she would be caught. She felt so bad for these two children. Then she knew what to do for them.

"You see that kingdom over there," Meldiriel said as she pointed to Rohan.

The girl nodded her head.

"You need to ride over their slowly, so your brother won't fall. When you get close enough, there will be people coming out from behind the walls to help you." Meldiriel explained.

They understood what Meldiriel said, so the girl slowly rode her horse over to Rohan. Meldiriel hopped back on her horse and watched the two children ride over to Rohan. When they made it, she saw Gandolf and the king help the children into Rohan.

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