Chapter 29

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Everyone was back in the throne room of Minas Tirith. Meldiriel was standing next to Legolas, while Gandalf, Aragorn, and Gimli were standing across from them. They were coming up with a plan to attack the land of Mordor. Meldiriel had agreed to help them, so she was telling them as much as she could.

"You don't have enough men, Aragorn." said Meldiriel. "Behind that gate is ten times the numbers of what you have."

"We have to try." replied Aragorn.

"Are you trying to kill your men?"

"We don't have any other option." shouted Aragorn.

"Fine, take your little army to the gate of Mordor. I must go, before my father starts questioning my loyalty." said Meldiriel as she started to walk away.

"Will you fight against us?" yelled Gandalf.

Meldiriel stopped. She wanted to answer his question, but she couldn't. Then she kept walking out of the throne room. When she was outside, Meldiriel whistled for her horse. It took a couple of minutes, but her horse finally arrived. Just before she could mount her horse, Legolas came running over to her. He grabbed shouted her name, causing Meldiriel to turn around. 

"What are you doing?" asked Meldiriel.

Legolas did not stop walking toward Meldiriel. When he was close enough to her, he put his right hand around her head and pulled her into a kiss. Legolas kissed Meldiriel gently. At first, Meldiriel didn't kiss him back, but then she did.

"What was that for?"

"Just in case I didn't get to tell you when we meet on the battle field." explained Legolas.

Meldiriel was shocked and weak after the kiss. She mounted her horse and started trotting away from Legolas. She looked back at him. Her heart wanted her to stay, but she knew she couldn't so she kept riding away.

"Gi melin (I love you), Meldiriel." whispered Legolas to himself.

Sorry for the short chapter.

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