Chapter 8

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The fellowship had stopped to rest at a place that was grouped together by white boulders. Two hobbits were eating, while the other two hobbits were with Boromir. Aragorn was watching and correcting the hobbits as they practice fighting with Boromir. Gandalf the Grey was talking with the dwarf and the elf was looking in all directions. It was like he was waiting for something bad to happen.

Meldiriel sat on a neighboring boulder. She watched them from a distance. She smiled at the funny hobbits, who had just playfully attached Boromir. Aragorn tried to separate them, but the hobbits had pushed him to the ground as well. She wondered what it was like. How it would have been fun to have played with someone growing up. Have a friendship between people.

She never got that. Ever since her mother died, her father just trained her. He wasn't really a father figure, more like a trainer. All her life, she wished she could be away from him. At least for a little bit but she couldn't. He was the only family she had left and all she has ever known.

Just then, creatures of Mordor were flying toward them. Meldiriel quickly hopped back on her horse. The fellowship quickly hid underneath some boulders and bushes. She looked up at the sky. She watched the flying creatures of Mordor fly by them. She kicked her horse over to where the fellowship was. They remained hiding, as she stood near them.

"You must take the mountain pass, Gandalf," Meldiriel whispered.

Gandalf was surprised that the servant, the dark figure had told him that. She rode in the opposite direction, from which the fellowship would take. Since she couldn't take the mountain pass, she needed to go quickly to the other side, so she could catch back up with them later.

Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, Boromir, and the hobbits came out from hiding.

"Who is that?" Boromir directed toward Gandalf.

"I am not sure," Gandolf replied.

"It seems to know you though, Gandalf," Legolas added.

"My dear friends I am absolutely truthful when I tell you that I don't know who that is, or why it is helping us," Gandalf assured.

They started gathering their things and packing them back up in their bags. However, the elf, Legolas wasn't helping. He stood on top of one of the boulders. He looked out at the land. He was watching Meldiriel ride off and away from them on her horse. Legolas was wondering who that servants of Mordor was.

"Why was she helping?" Legolas thought.

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