Chapter 15

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There was nothing major going on at Rohan. It was now night and Meldiriel saw nothing going on, so she decided to ride to Isengard. She galloped her horse the entire way to Isengard. She needed to talk to Saruman and give her a report. But she mainly wanted to go because she was disappointed in both of them. They both failed in having control over the king of Rohan. 

When she arrived, the orcs stopped working and saw her ride the entire way to the tower. They were still scared around her, after what happened during her last visit. But once she went inside, the orcs continued doing their work. She walked up the steps and went inside the tower. She waited for Saruman and Grima to come down from one of the other floors. She didn't suspect that they didn't know she was here because she knew, that they knew she was here.

Moments later, Saruman and Grima came down the steps of the tower. Meldiriel looked at them with anger, and they both could tell that she wasn't happy. Grima was standing behind Saruman, while he was in front.

"What are you doing here my lady?" Saruman asked

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"What are you doing here my lady?" Saruman asked.

When Meldiriel heard those words come from Saruman's mouth she was even more furious than before. She didn't understand why he didn't know why she was here, or that he didn't know what he and Grima did wrong. She took a step closer to Saruman. He was a little nervous inside, and Meldiriel knew it.

"I came to see you two. I was outside of Rohan when I saw that pathetic man run away from Rohan like he was on fire. Grima did not do his job in keeping the king corrupt. And you, Saruman, did the same as well. You were supposed to have control of the king's life, but you couldn't even do that. I had to see for my own eyes the king walk out of the main building and almost kill Grima." Meldiriel yelled.

Saruman tried to explain his actions, but when he started to talk, Meldiriel walked out of the tower. He followed her outside, with Grima behind him. She called her horse over to her.

"Where are you going, my lady?" Saruman asked.

Meldiriel didn't answer him. She put her left foot in the stirrup and right before she swung her other leg over, she stopped. She looked at the still orcs, who had stopped their work to look at the issue at hand. Meldiriel removed her foot from the stirrup. She looked at Saruman for a moment then said, "Bring three of your best orcs to me."

Saruman signaled three of his finest orcs over. They grabbed a weapon of their choosing and went in front of Meldiriel. They were ready to fight.

"Saruman you say that your army is strong and ready to fight," Meldiriel shouted. "Well lets just see if that is true."

Meldiriel took two elvish blades out of their holsters from her horse. She got into a good defensive position, with the tips of the blades pointed down at the ground.

"Attack!" Meldiriel ordered.

The three orcs came at her. They tried to pierce her, but they all failed. Instead of even cutting her, all three of them lost their heads. All of the orcs were worried and scared. Meldiriel put her blades back into their holster and hopped back on her horse. She turned her horse, so she could face Saruman.

"You are pathetic, Saruman," Meldiriel said.

Meldiriel rode out of Isengard and headed back to Rohan for more surveillance.

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