Chapter 10

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Meldiriel galloped the entire way to the elvish city of Lady Light. She knew well, that once they made their way out of the mines, that they would travel to the elvish city for comfort and aid. However, it wasn't going to be easy. The elvish town of Lady Light would be hard to enter and go through. There were elvish guards who guarded every path that led to the center of the kingdom. Meldiriel didn't know what to do, but she was very determined to go through the kingdom.

She had arrived at the edge of the field, which was the beginning of the kingdom. She did not enter the forest right away. She took a few deep breaths, then entered the kingdom. She walked the path quietly and calmly. There was not an elf or guard that she encountered. The forest was very peaceful. She was relaxed for once in her life.

When she came to the path that was closer to the river, she noticed that there were elves. She kept quiet and watched. She saw the Fellowship of the Ring lined up before Galadriel and Celeborn. They were given gifts from Galadriel and Celeborn, then elves started loading the boats. Everyone said their goodbyes and farewells to the people of the Fellowship and saw them off. Since they were traveling by boat, down a calm river, Meldiriel followed in a slow pursuit behind them.

As she walked passed Galadriel, Celeborn, and Haldir on the other side of the river something happened. Galadriel had spotted her following the fellowship.

"Haldir, over there," Galadriel shouted as she pointed over at Meldiriel.

Meldiriel immediately picked up her pace. Her horse started cantering in the direction of the fellowship. Haldir grabbed an arrow and fired it at her. Meldiriel took out her sword and slashed the arrow in half before it could hit her. Haldir, Celeborn, and Galadriel were all shocked. They didn't know who that was and how it was capable of slashing the arrow. Haldir put his bow away and looked at his Lord and Lady.

"Who was that hiril vuin (my lady)?" Haldir asked.

"I am not aware of who that was, Haldir," Galadriel answered.

Meldiriel had made it out of the forest, without any more elves encountering her. She was now behind the fellowship, once again. The fellowship was coasting down the river. They could all relax. However, one of them remained to keep a lookout. Legolas, the blonde-haired elf, remained alert.

Legolas had spotted Meldiriel, without her knowledge of him knowing she had been seen. He didn't warn the others and he didn't shoot an arrow at her. He simply looked at her. There was something about the person in the dark cloak that caught his attention. "But who was under the cloak?" thought Legolas.

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