Chapter 16

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When Meldiriel made it back to Rohan, there were things going on. People in Rohan were in a hurry to collect their things and put them into things that they could carry a long distance. She looked all over town, from her hill, for Gandalf. But he was nowhere to be found. Meldiriel knew that Gandalf's absence was an act to help the people of Rohan. She suspected that he rode off trying to gather some help for Rohan.

The city of Rohan was eventually ready, so the king led the way out of Rohan. The entire kingdom was evacuating, and Meldiriel knew why now. The suspects that there will be an attack on Rohan. So he will do what every king would do. He will flee to Helms Deep. Helms Deep may be a safe and secure place, but it is also a structure that has one way in and one way out.

Meldiriel wasn't happy with the king's decision. She knew that there would be an army of orcs going to that place soon, and when they do, Rohan wouldn't have a chance against the army. She looked at all of the people of Rohan. They were walking in a group, led by the king that was about to risk their lives.

When the group of Rohan's people was a couple of ways away, so that they couldn't see Meldiriel, she started riding behind them. She didn't want to follow them, but she had her orders from Sauron. So she kept a lookout for anything that would jump out and surprise the people of Rohan. She knew very well that if they were spotted or informed by their enemies that they were traveling to Helms Deep, that they would be in great danger.


Legolas rode his white horse, with Gimli behind him. He kept sensing a presence that was of a good heart, but also of a bad heart. He didn't know who it was, but he wanted to find out. So he remained alert for anything.

When Gimli switched horses, Legolas moved his horse to the side of the group. He didn't want to stop in the middle because he knew that that would only slow the people of Rohan down and make them more tired. When he was at the back of the group, he saw a familiar figure ways out of the group. Since he had spotted the black figure, the figure had stopped following the group. Legolas just looked at the figure, while the black figure looked at him. His sensing was stronger at the back of the group, making Legolas realize that the figure was the one with the good and bad heart.

Legolas knew all the things that the mysterious figure had already done for them, so he rode his horse back over to the group and went to the front. Meldiriel cantered her horse over as well, but she kept a goods length distance away from them. She decided to follow them until she could no longer do so.

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