Chapters 2

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Meldiriel and the Nine Servants of Sauron rode north to the shire. They rode on the west side of the Misty Mountains. Meldiriel rode in front of the Nine Servants, while they followed closely behind. They galloped across the valley, trying to get to the shire as soon as they could.


Meldiriel and the Nine Servants of Sauron had arrived in the shire. They stopped their horses behind Meldiriel, waiting for her to give them orders. She remained silent for a moment, not giving any orders to them yet. She looked out at the shire. It was dark, but the doors of the houses lit the area just enough to see what it looked like.

"Find the ring. Do whatever you have to in order to retrieve it," Meldriel ordered. "Go!"

The servants rode away from Meldiriel, making a screeching sound, as they rode off. She watched them ride off into a canter, searching the entire shire for the ring. She followed them, but only in a walk.

Meldiriel was walking on the path, that the servants had passed. The only difference from when they passed, from the time when she passed, is that nothing was there, but as she stopped on the road because she heard something, she looked to her left. She saw four hobbits. They looked scared and panicked. They remained in the same place when she found them.

"A (hi) hobbits," Meldiriel said in elvish

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"A (hi) hobbits," Meldiriel said in elvish.

After she spoke to them, they ran off.

"La (no)! Meldeiel shouted. "A lelyalma (let's go), Durion."

Meldiriel rode her horse in the hobbits' direction. She followed them as they ran. She eventually got irritated, to where she signaled the servants, so they could cut and surround the hobbits.

The hobbits ran into the Nine Servants but were able to avoid them. The servants eventually lost the hobbits, so they headed back to Meldiriel. She wasn't pleased with the servants. She was angry and furious.

"What was that?" Meldiriel said angrily.

The servants were quiet. They knew they had failed and that Meldiriel isn't so sparing when she is mad. Some times she prefers to end lives more than saving them.

"They were too cunning." explained one of the servants.

Meldiriel turned her horse to face the Nine Servants of her father.

"They are hobbits! Small creatures that haven't even held a sword. They don't know what is going on around them. All they like to do is feast and celebrate. And you are telling me they were capable of avoiding you and your blades." Meldiriel scolded.

She turned her horseback around, facing the opposite direction from where the servants were.

"Follow them," Meldiriel ordered.

All the servants rode off, except for Witch-King of Angmar. The Witch-King of Angmar was the most trusted servant of her father. He was the best out of the nine. He walked his horse to Meldiriel's left side.

"We will find the ring."  The Witch-King assured.

"Prove it," Meldiriel replied.

After she said that, the Witch-King of Angmar took off running to join the others.

"A lelyalma (let's go) Durion, we got to keep an eye on them," Meldiriel whispered to her horse.

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