Chapter 32

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Orcs and men were fighting each other. They were stabbed, cut, or dead. Meldiriel remained on her horse. It was like she wasn't there. She was thinking while she looked out at the battle taking place. She heard the screams of men who were hurt and dying. Meldiriel wasn't in the present right now. Everything she had known became questionable to her. Is this really what she wanted to do with her immortal life?

Meldiriel didn't know much about her life. She didn't know about her mother, which hurt her the most. Her father always talked about ruling Middle Earth and violence. She had met an elf, who changed her life around. What was she suppose to do?

Then it hit her. She didn't want the life that she had anymore. She didn't want to serve her father. Meldiriel wanted to get out of the darkness and come into the light. She wanted to be happy and live a life of peace. But most importantly, she want to be with Legolas more than anything.

"I'm done." said Meldiriel to herself.

Meldiriel grabbed both of her swords. She pulled them out of their holsters and kicked her horse forward. She was riding over to Legolas and his army. Meldiriel killed the orcs that were in her path as she rode over to Legolas. When she was close enough to Legolas, Meldiriel hopped off her horse. Legolas was surprised to see her coming over to him. Then, she grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss.

"I'll follow you forever, from now on." said Meldiriel when their kiss ended.

Legolas smiled at Meldiriel, then the both of them went back to fighting the orcs. The battle was terrible. Many men were dying because they didn't have the numbers to defeat Sauron's army. They had no hope anymore, but they kept fighting anyways. Then something happened. Meldiriel's father, Sauron, was screaming and struggling at the top of his tower.

"Frodo." whispered Legolas.

Meldiriel was happy that Frodo had destroyed the ring. She felt relieved. The orcs were fleeing and the ground that the orcs stood on was crumbling. The lands of Mordor were falling and destroying everything that was built by the evil lord. But, just before Sauron had completely gone away, Meldiriel felled to the ground. Legolas bent down beside her. He didn't know what was going on with her.

"Meldiriel." shouted Legolas.

Meldiriel was on her back. She was having a hard time breathing and had a terrible pain in her chest.

"Meldiriel, tell me what is wrong." said Legolas.

"It's my father." replied Meldiriel trying to breath in some air.

Legolas called Gandalf and Aragorn over. But, not even they knew what was going on, or how to help her. It was beyond their knowledge of healing. They stepped back to give Legolas and Meldiriel some room. Legolas began to cry. He knew that Meldiriel was hurting and that their was nothing they could do for her. He squeezed her tight and hoped that something good would happen.

Just before Meldiriel closed her eyes, she saw Legolas and an eagle coming down from behind him.

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