Chapter 5

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The hobbit, Frodo, made it to Rivendell just in time before he took his last breath. He remained at Rivendell so he could continue to heal and regain his strength. Meldiriel remained riding to Rivendell, but kept off the main trail, so she wouldn't be spotted. It was getting dark, so she stopped for a breather.


Aragorn and Arwen were talking with each other for a couple of minutes. She gave him a necklace that represented her heart. They shared a kiss with one another but before Aragorn noticed that Arwen was hiding something. She tried to hide it but Aragorn could see past it.

"What is the matter?" Aragorn asked.

Arwen smiled with a little laugh. "You could always see past me."  Arwen chuckled.

"I know you too well," Aragorn explained.

"When I departed from you, with Frodo, I had rode ahead a couple of ways without any trouble. Then the Nine Servants of Sauron caught up with me. I had no trouble maneuvering around them, but when they flowed downriver there was another one that appeared. There weren't nine but ten, Aragorn. It was not like the rest. It spoke elvish and it seemed more powerful than the others. It rode a horse of black, saddled with elvish weapons. It is not known to us, but it knows us." Arwen said.

"What?" Aragorn commented.

"Aragorn, it is more powerful than the Witch-King of Angmar. And it knows my name." Arwen added. "What could it be?"

"I'm not sure, but whoever it is, it is too dangerous for anyone," Aragorn added.

After the conversation with Arwen, Aragorn was trying to figure out who it could be. Someone with the ways of the elves but also of Mordor. What did it want with them? Aragorn went to the study of Rivendell, where the books were. The books had everything recorded through time. They had everything from the land, to the evil of Middle Earth. He looked around for a book of the Nine Servants of Sauron. He eventually found one and skimmed through it, trying to find something on the tenth servant.

There was nothing said about a tenth servant of Sauron, so he put the book back. Before he walked away from the bookshelf, he found a book. The book had a dark cover, with a crested moon carved into it. He took the book off the shelf and opened it to the first page.

The page had a picture of an elf and a Maia. The Maia had black long hair and eyes that looked like they were white crystals. The elf had blonde hair and blues eyes. There was no indication about the picture, so he did not know the names of the elf or the Maia. He began to read the book. There was not an explanation for the names of the two people, but the book did explain their life. Aragorn was interested in the book.

"Who was in the picture? Who is this?" Aragorn thought

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"Who was in the picture? Who is this?" Aragorn thought.

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