Chapter 23

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By the time Meldiriel got to Isengard, she saw that Gandalf, Aragorn, Gimli, the two hobbits, and Legolas were already there. They rode on horses and were talking with tree beard. Meldiriel did not get to close because she didn't want to be seen. So she stopped at the wall of Isengard, that separated the tower from the forest. Isengard was flooded with water and everything was damaged.

Meldiriel looked up at the tower. She saw Saruman at the very top of his tower. He held his staff in his hand, while he looked down at the company. Just looking at him made Meldiriel want to kill him. He had failed her father and his cause. He was no longer of use to them. Besides, Meldiriel really disliked him, so it only made her want to kill him more.

She took her bow out. Then she grabbed an arrow. She put the arrow against the bow and aimed the point of the arrow down at the ground. She was waiting for Saruman to say something that he wasn't suppose to. Meldiriel suspected that Gandalf would try and get Saruman to talk. And she couldn't have them know of her fathers plans.

So when he starts to talk, that would be the time to kill him. He wasn't saying anything at first, so Meldiriel waited.


Legolas kept thinking about the black figure who helped him. He tried to pay attention to Saruman, while Gandalf was questioning him, but it was useless. The black figure was still on his mind. Legolas snapped out of it. Then he looked up at Saruman. Gandalf was asking him questions, but Saruman wouldn't answer them. Legolas saw that Saruman was looking out behind them, but he didn't know why or at who he was looking. So Legolas turned his head. He saw the black figure behind them with a bow and arrow in hand.

Legolas turned his head back to the tower. He took his bow in his hand and drew an arrow. He remained prepared for what ever was going to happen. Then Legolas fired the arrow at Grima Wormtongue, once he stabbed Saruman a couple of times.


Meldiriel saw Legolas fire his arrow at Grima. Then she saw a dead Saruman fall down from his tower and be pierced by big spikes. She put her arrow and bow away. She wasn't pleased that she didn't get to kill Saruman, but at least he was dead.

Meldiriel rode behind the group a couple of ways away. She didn't want to be spotted by them, as she rode behind them to Rohan. She eventually stopped a ways away from Rohan, so that she could see what was going on, but wouldn't be spotted by the people of Rohan either.

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