Chapter 17

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At first, when Meldiriel was following the people of Rohan, nothing out of ordinary happened. The people were grouped together, while they followed the king. She watched as one of the horses, that Gimli was riding, took off causing him to fall onto the ground. She even saw how the blonde haired elf was trying so hard to think of who she was. Other than that, there were no orcs spotted or that posed a threat to the Rohan group of people.

But minutes later, she saw two of the king's most trusted men ride ahead of the group to scout ahead. Meldiriel watched them carefully, but once they were on the other side of the hill, she lost sight of them. She waited and listened to see what was going on up there. At first, she heard nothing, but then she heard an orc and a warg, then the screaming of a man. After that she saw the blonde haired elf, who was once standing on a boulder, at the top of the hill, run over the hill to where the two men went.

She stopped and listened. Eventually, she heard the elf shout, "A scout."

Meldiriel knew that there would be a major pack or orcs and wargs not to far behind. There were men, women, and children here. She didn't want to see them killed by orcs or wargs. She wanted to do something, but she couldn't. What would happen to her if an orc had lived to tell her father what she had done? She saw the women and children run away from the hill, towards Helms Deep, while the men rode their horses over to the hill to help fight.

Meldiriel wanted to go help, but at the same time she didn't. What was she supposed to do? Meldiriel leaned close to her horses ear. She patted her horses neck gently and whispered, "Norro (run)."

The horse took off running toward the hill. Meldiriel took her bow out of its holster and drew an arrow. She held it down by her leg, preparing to set her aim. When she was over the hill, she saw many orcs fighting with the men of Rohan. Meldiriel picked her target and fired at an orc and warg. Her arrow landed in the wargs head, killing it immediately while the orc was pierced in the chest. Meldiriel kept on helping the men. She fired all her arrows, not missing any of her targets. Once she ran out of arrows, she put her bow back into its holster and took out two of her elvish blades. She held one in each hand and was ready to fight the orcs.


Legolas was firing arrows at the orcs left and right. But then he saw the same black figure fighting as well. He saw the black figure fighting with two silver elvish blades, while she slashed every orc that came up to her. He was wondering why she had elvish blades, and why was she helping them fight? Legolas was puzzled every time this black figure appeared.


Meldiriel fought off the last of the orcs, when she saw Aragorn hanging from a cliff. She could tell that he was trying to hang on, but couldn't. She saw Aragorn lose grip and fall off the cliff. Her heart stopped beating for a moment. She tipped her head down, in respects for Aragorn. But Meldiriel kind of figured that Aragorn would still be alive because there was water at the bottom of the cliff.

She kept looking over at the cliff, from which Aragorn had fallen. She saw the elf and dwarf walk over. Then she saw the elf pick up a necklace. The necklace shined a bright white. Meldiriel knew exactly what that necklace was. The necklace's name was Evenstar. She was so shocked at that moment to even see the necklace.

"Why would Aragorn have that necklace?" thought Meldiriel

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"Why would Aragorn have that necklace?" thought Meldiriel.

The blonde haired elf turned to look at Meldiriel. He started to walk in her direction, which made her terrified, so she galloped her horse away. Causing the elf to stop walking in her direction, and head in the other direction.

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