Chapter 13

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Meldiriel remained behind the path of Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. She kept her eye on them, watching everything they did. She didn't really want to report anything back to her father. It felt wrong, but she had her orders so she kept watching them.

They met up with some Rohan riders. However, these riders remained loyal to the land and kingdom of Rohan, not its king. Theoden was the king of Rohan. He used to be a great leader, but he is no longer Theoden the good. His mind has been poisoned by the dark. Therefore, he is no longer capable of ruling.

The riders of Rohan. Had swarmed around them, pointing their spears at them. Minutes later, the riders of Rohan gave Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli horses. The riders rode off and away from them.

Meldiriel followed behind them, as they headed to the burning orc corpses. The orc group was led by Uruk Hai. When Meldiriel saw that the orcs had failed her, and her father's wishes, she was furious. They didn't do their jobs and paid with their lives. She knew her father wasn't going to like this; therefore, Meldiriel was not happy.

Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli went into the old forest. They were apparently following the tracks of one orc and two hobbits. Meldiriel knew she couldn't go in the forest, so she went in the opposite direction. She needed and intended to catch up with The Witch-King of Angmar.

Meldiriel eventually caught up with the Witch-King and the other dark nine, who have been persuaded by Sauron. They were ways behind, but Meldiriel caught up with them. They huddled together, as they sat on their horses.

"The fellowship has been split," Meldiriel said. "The man, elf, and dwarf are traveling together in search of two hobbits."

"They should be in Isendguard." The Witch-King added.

"They were supposed to, but the orcs had run into an accompany of Rohan riders. They did not make it, thus paying with their lives."

"Where is the hobbit with the ring?" asked one of the dark nine.

"That is unknown," Meldiriel answered. "I have not seen the hobbit, or heard anything about him."

"Very well, Meldiriel." The Witch-King of Angmar said. "Follow the man, elf, and dwarf. The rest of us will prepare for battle."

Meldiriel nodded her head, and so did the Nine Servants of Sauron. The nine servants turned their horses and rode off. Meldiriel was about to ride away, when the Witch-King said, "Meldiriel, meet me at Minas Morgul when it is time."

Meldiriel agreed and rode off. She needed to catch up with Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli before she would lose them.

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