Chapter 11

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Meldiriel fell behind from the fellowship. She did not try to catch up because she knew they would take a break soon, so she kept her regular pace. She rode her horse, Durion, in the direction of the path, that the fellowship had taken. As she rode, she heard a noise coming from behind her. Meldiriel turned her horse in the opposite direction, to face the direction that the noise was coming from. After a minute had passed, the creatures that were making the noise showed themselves to Meldiriel. Orcs and a large group of them emerged. These weren't your ordinary scum orcs, these orcs were large and big. They were dressed in armor and ready to fight for what they wanted.

Meldiriel did not budge. She remained seated on her horse. She stood tall and looked aggressive. The pack of orcs stopped in front of her. Some looked scared, whiles others had a concern. The leader of the orc pack walked to the front. He was a disgusting creature, with long hair and a muscular body.

"Why do you stand in the way of us?" Uruk Hai asked.

"Hold your tongue, Uruk Hai." Meldiriel snapped.

Uruk Hai was very nervous now. He was afraid that she would do something terrible to him since he had demanded an explanation from her.

"Forgive me." Uruk Hai begged.

"What are you doing here?" Meldiriel asked.

"By order of Sauron, we are here to take the half-ling back to him. The one who carries the ring is our soon to be victim and prisoner," Uruk Hai explained.

Meldiriel was shocked and surprised. She knew that the fellowship would be destroyed if they didn't know that Uruk Hai and his pack were behind him. She was thinking of the worst at the moment. She couldn't just let them be killed, so she decided to do something that would defy her father's wishes.

"I see, carry one then," Meldiriel said.

She turned her horse in the direction of the fellowship. She bent down, to be closer to her horse's ear.

"Run Durion and fast," Meldiriel whispered.

She galloped away from the orcs. She was trying hard to catch up to the fellowship and put some distance between the orc pack. She was galloping to the fellowship to warn them of what was following them. She saw the fellowship huddled together in the distance. When they saw her approaching them, they drew their weapons. She slowed her horse down to a stop, standing before all of the members of the fellowship.

"Who are you?" Aragorn asked.

"That is something that shouldn't be known to your knowledge," Meldiriel said.

"Then, what do you want?" Legolas added.

"I want nothing. I only came here only to warn you." Meldiriel continued.

"Warn us of what?" Boromir asked.

"A pack of orcs, led by Uruk Hai, is on your tail. It is only a matter of time till they catch up to you," Meldiriel explained.

"You are of the dark side. Why do you wish to help us?" Boromir snapped.

"That is a question, to be answered another day," Meldiriel said.

She kicked her horse gently, making the horse canter off. She went away from the fellowship, so the knowledge of her helping will not be discovered. The fellowship was very curious about her. Legolas especially was curious. He knew there was something about that dark creature, but he wasn't sure what it was.

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