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A/N: chapters will be louis' p.o.v unless I say otherwise x

Note: i don't know when I'm going to start frequently updating this, but for now I thought I should give you something so I know if some people may like this fic :)

also, please read the warnings! i really don't want people complaining if something bad happens, so please do that. x


Life is tiring. It's boring and I'm starting to hate it. It's the same everyday, I wake up early, go to the bakery and stay there for hours, then after have to go home to my always whining about something boyfriend, Oliver.

I still love him, but sometimes he just doesn't know how to stop arguing. He complains all the time, and sometimes I feel like he just uses me. He drinks too much, fights about whatever subject he can fight about, and doesn't know what personal space is.

As I woke up that morning, in our bed that I kind of wanted to be just mine, I looked over at the guy next to me and bit my lip. I should just pack my stuff and leave, but where would I go?

Oliver was attractive and all, but he's just too much. I feel like breaking up with him, but I don't want to hurt the older man. I watched for a second as he snored quite loudly from his mouth, his scruffy cheek against the pillow as he shuffled a bit in his sleep.

I stood up and walked to the bathroom, and when inside with the door locked I stripped from my boxer briefs and started the shower. I stepped away from it for a second to walk over where the mirror and sink stood, looking at my reflection.

I stared at my self and then down to my collarbones, glancing at the several hickeys that lingered around my tanned skin. Memories from last night occurred in my mind and I shook them away, instead of thinking about the activities that happened I stepped in the shower and relaxed as the hot water hit my skin.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and a familiar deep voice. "Louis?" Oliver spoke, knocking again.

"Yes?" I said, and poked my head out so I could hear him a bit better.

"Can I come in?" He questioned, turning the knob several times. I sighed and stepped out to unlock the door, then went back into the shower as he walked in.

He was already naked so it was only a second before he was in with me, and I shut my eyes tightly as he brought my back to his front. He placed his hand on my lower back and kissed at my neck softly, and I held back a scoff. "Not now Oli." Oliver turned me around and pouted, trying to look cute but all I did was give him a serious look.

"I have to get out in a minute, I'll be late for work." I told him, stepping away.

"Please?" Oliver asked, and I felt like laughing. I give in to it all the time and the one time I say no he begs.

"No, now get away and let me finish showering." I turn back around and ran my hands through my hair with my shampoo. Oliver groaned and continued to wash himself up, and I was thankful he didn't keep on begging.

Soon I was out of the shower and getting ready for the day. I combed my hair and let it dry naturally to the side, and then got dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a grey Adidas sweater. When I was ready, I went to the kitchen and grabbed an apple before yelling out to Oliver, "I'm leaving! Bye, love you."

It took a second for him to reply, his voice was rough as he yelled out to me. "Bye," I felt a pang in my chest when he didn't even bother to say it back. I bit my cheek harshly and grabbed the car keys before running out and making my way to the parking lot.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now