thirty four

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The baby blue corridors had become familiar in the past few days, as I've walked through the halls more times than I could count. I greeted a nurse before walking into Harry's new room, number forty seven, entering silently.

I still haven't seen Harry awake, and it was slowly driving me mad. I haven't said much to the boy either since his first night in the hospital, so my visits were mostly silent. The only time they weren't, was when Niall or Liam and Zayn tagged along, just so I had someone there since Harry couldn't be at the moment.

Currently Niall was sat next to me, watching as the Nurse changed Harry's bandages. She gave a sympathetic smile, exiting the room when she was finished. The air was thick and awkward, each of us mute for the first few minutes.

"When do you think he's gonna wake up?" Niall questioned, giving me a look. I lazily shrugged my shoulders, wiping my eyes. They were raw and red by the amount of times I've been touching them. "I don't know. I'm not going back to work until he does, though."

"What time is it?" The blonde asked more as he yawned too, streching. I brought out my phone, tapping the power button.

"Seven thirty in the morning," I replied, tone showing no enthusiasm. I scratched at my facial hair, pursing my lips. Everything was so slow. The minutes seemed to pass by in hours, and I wanted this day to be over.

"Wanna come to the cafeteria with me, or are you staying here?" He stood, and I knew he already known what I was going to reply with.

"I'll stay here, incase he wakes up, alright?"

Niall nodded, strutting out of the room, winking as he blew a kiss, "I'll be back soon buttercup!" he stuck his tongue out, trying to lighten the mood. It didn't work though, the slightest of smiles placed on my face. Forced, obviously.

"Bye," I called loudly, Niall practically running down the hall. I turned back to Harry, jolting as he was staring right at me. My jaw went slack. I was speechless, frozen from where I was sat. Harry was the first to speak, voice hoarse and gruff.

"I miss you."

My mouth opened to respond, closing, and opening again. I was actually speechless, but forced myself to say something. "I miss you too."

Harry put his arms out, and I hurried over, bringing the boy into my arms. I stuck my head to his neck, his arms weakly connecting around my waist. We pulled away after a few seconds, the ladder wiping a tear that cascaded down his scarred cheek. "How long have I been in here for?"

I sniffled, a small smile prominent on my lips. "Four days, and you're probably gonna be in here for a few more. How are you feeling?"

Harry muttered a, "Fine," until he moved, clutching his upper thigh, "Leg hurts like a bitch, though."

"Do you want me to call down the nurse?" I asked, about to press the green button, that would get a nurse to arrive.

Harry shook his head, stopping my
movements, instead holding my hand in his. "I'm okay, I don't need a nurse."

"You sure?" I said, scooting closer. I ruffled his curls, fixating them so they were pushed back.

Harry nodded, silent for a few minutes before speaking, "How was your day?"

I pursed my lips, twiddling my thumbs. "My days have been all the same, boring and waiting for you. Today has been pretty amazing, though. Seeing you awake makes me happy."

"Yeah?" Harry smiled, connecting our hands and rubbing his thumb across my knuckle.He stopped his motions, features turning small as he frowned, "Did they find..."

I immediately knew what he was talking about, Des hasn't been found since the incident, and no one has seen him after that day. They've been on the hunt, and I even seen his name on the news at times.

"No, sadly. Not yet," I mumbled, nothing but silence afterwards. He was uptight, breath hitching. He stared at the television in the corner of the room for a few long minutes, head swinging towards the direction of the door when it was flying open.

Niall was standing there, gulping after a heavy breath. "They found your father."

Harry's jaw went slack, his eyes widening. "Where?"

Niall's eyes saddened, frown overcoming his pursed lips, head lulling down. "I'm sorry, Harry."

"What happened?" He gulled, squeezing the sheets in his fists. His face paled completely, all color leaving it. I had a bad feeling on what was coming, and I stayed quiet as I watched it all unfold.

The way Niall uttered someones death, how they found Des in their house, limp in his bathroom with a pill bottle next to him. Harry curled up to a ball, whispering endless wonders and swears. I lifted the sheet and brought him to my arms, rubbing my hand over his back and trying to calm him down.

Harry wrapped his arms around my neck, Niall awkwardly standing in the corner. I looked at him, and he gave a pitiful look before escorting himself out.

I kissed his temple, lingering for a second before pulling away.

"My dad is dead," He hiccuped, pulling his hospital gown sleeves down a bit, "My mum and my dad are fucking dead."

"Harry," I said, frowning as he cried harder, "I can't say I relate, baby. But everything will be alright. Your dad has never treated you right, if anything he... this is what was for the best. In a weird and twisted way. He was mentally not okay and it was too late to fix someone like that, H."

"But where will I go, Louis? What do I do with my life, I–I don't know what will happen from here on out and that's what scares me the most," Harry's breath hitched after he finished speaking, and I could tell he was trying not to cry. His tinted red eyes met mine, the green of them lighter than usual.

"Come here," he whispered, pulling me softly towards him.

Harry tilted his chin up, lips grazing mine. I squeezed his thigh and bit down onto his lip at the same moment, shuttering as he tugged me down some more so I was leaning mostly on him. I gripped one palm in his hair, bringing him impossibly closer so my nose was flushed against his cheek.

"It will be okay," I mumbled, goosebumps lacing around my skin. The hairs on my neck raised too, and I could feel the small bumps on his body by using the hand that wasn't attached to his curls.

"I know," Harry rushed, his lips leaving mine, "I know."

"Yeah," I smiled, "That's good then."

Harry nodded, running his finger over his bottom lip as the sides of his mouth lifted upwards. The sight was beautiful. "Louis?" he whispered, just above a whisper.

I hummed, situating myself back in the uncomfortable hospital chairs. He paused, staring off into the distance. "Is if weird I heard everything you said my first night here?"

I looked at him shocked, a light pink covering the apples of my cheeks, "Did you really?"

He nodded in response, tightening his grip from where his hand was on my knee. "I love you too. I have for a long time, just never realized it."

* * *

A/N: this is such  filler lol sorry

all the drama is pretty much over and i think this story is done. one more chapter then the epilogue.

also, i have a new story posted called Baby Got Moves if you wanna check it out. it's larry and very dirty + a stripper story, so maybe you'll like it lol

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