twenty six

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dedicated to pleasurelouis bc shes amazing

also, i really recommend for you to put on say something, and or runaway by aurora. most of her songs relate to this story in some way.


Loosing someone was never easy. It was as if everything you had, just vanished into thin air.

A world without someone you love, is a world without light. Darkness surrounding every street corner, no home.

Because your home was that one person, that person with a heart of gold. Their smile being what made you smile. And now that they could no longer; you were left as an emotionless shell.

At least, that was how I felt.

Walking into the familiar cabin, hearing nothing but silence engulf me into its uncomfortable self. The air thick with curiousity, as I called out for him.

The bathroom was the next place I ventured into, my body completely freezing as my face fell from its smile; lips flattening.

Harry, curled on the ground, hands clasped onto a bottle of those damned pills. His breathing was ragged, quiet and uneven, eyes closed as a pained expression was upon his face. Whimpers escaped, cries low.

He wasn't coherent, just limp as if he were a doll. I brushed the hair from his eyes, tears pooling as I picked him up, struggling as I brought him back to my car. I made sure he was secure in the back seat, seat belts over his bruised skin so he wouldn't topple over.

Within ten minutes of speeding on the highway and the boy shaking with unanswered questions, we were at the hospital. I rushed, pulling him out and holding him bridal style. His head went to my neck, and I tried to force the upcoming tears away.

My back pushed the door open, and I hurried inside, speed walking to the front desk where a man sat. He piped up at the sight of us, getting ready to write something down.

"Help him," I shook, choking on my words. The receptionist asked for my name and the boys name in my arms, asking more and more about what happened. I had to fill out a paper, and eventually they told me to take him to the waiting room and wait.

That caused me to slightly panic as I sat down with the boy in my arms, his breath slow. His larger hands clung to my shirt, fingers breaching my collarbones. His hair was against his forehead, sweat keeping the fringe in place.

Everything was going slow, the clock in the room ticking. Before I could do anything else, a nurse walked into the surprisingly empty room. Her hair was clad in a messy bun, looking tired yet worried.

She took Harry with the help of two men, placing the frail body onto a strecher. His eyes shot open, a scream and cry coming out as one leaving his lips.

"How could you, Louis?" He yelled, strained against the bed as he thrashed. He gave up though when they turned the corner, leaving me alone with that feeling of guilt and hatred. My mind was racing, dull blue eyes staying stuck on the spot where I last seen Harry.

The receptionist noticed my lost state, pitiful man reluctantly leading me to a seat.

"You're lucky," He began subtly, "That no one is here at this time of night. I know he'll be okay."

I stayed quiet, hands tucked between my thighs as they moved with anticipation. My eyes shut once he continued.

"But I need to know how you know Harry. Is he a brother? Friend? Boyfriend? And if so, how did he get to how he is now?"

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now