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"You look hot, if I weren't straight I'd probably be all over you," Niall said as we drove, and I awkwardly thanked him. My hands rested against my lap as I looked out the window, wanting to already to go home.

"I don't understand why I even agreed to come to wherever you're taking me." A groan escaped my thin lips, my hands locking into tight fists. Niall shrugged, "It's better than staying home alone, wouldn't you rather go out?" He asked, turning the volume knob up a bit.

"No, the first option sounds a lot more fun to me," I argued, crossing my arms and not caring to hide the evident pout that formed onto my lips.

"Really? If I were upset, or whatever emotion you're feeling, I'd want you or someone to take me out, get my mind off of whatever I was sad about," He went on, using one hand to drive and the other to move as he spoke.

"I just like the option of being alone," I mumbled.

"Then why did you text me and ask me to hang?" Niall questioned curiously, raising a brow and putting his hand out.

"You're different," I let out a sigh, slumping back in my seat.

It was quiet after that for awhile, until Niall started a whole new topic I would rather not talk about. "You need to find someone, someone good. Someone without the name Oliver," He emphasized the word 'need' which made me scoff.

"Need? No thank you, the single life is good. Great, actually. I feel so free and I haven't in so long," I smiled for the first time in what felt like years. The word free has become my new favourite, and it was an amazing feeling.

Being trapped and always having Oliver as a burden was becoming old.

"Yes, need. You may be young so you have some time, but you need to find your happily ever after sometime in the near future, I want you to see how a good relationship works." Niall blurted, and I found his words completely laughable and puerile.

"Have you experienced a good relationship? No? That's what I thought," I shot back, rolling my eyes, making sure he seen it as I did.

He ran his tongue over his lips before shrugging, "Nope, I haven't even been in a relationship. But does that mean
I can't want my friend to have actual love? No? That's what I thought." His mouth turned to a smirk, visibly proud of himself for his comeback.

I snorted when the blonde patted himself on the back, whispering, "Good one, Ni."

No words were said after that, the ride silent. I had a bored emotion written all over my face that practically screamed for help from the people we passed by, but it quickly changed when I noticed that Niall had parked and a familiar building came into view.

"Niall?" I said in a questioning tone as he was about to step out.

"What?" He faced me and his brows threaded together, mouth hanging slightly as he waited for my question. I gave him an overly fake smile, crossing my hands over my lap, trying my best to look innocent.

I cleared my throat, holding my anger back with all the force I could manage. "You do know where we are, right?" My voice came out sarcastic and sweet all at once.

A brow raised and he slowly nodded his head, "We are at a pub..." He was dumbfounded, pointing a finger to the place in front of us. He stared at me as if I were some idiot, his face still scrunched up in pure confusion.

"Oh okay, I was just wondering is all," I shrugged off the subject, not wanting to even talk about who could possibly be inside. He probably wasn't working tonight anyways, I'd be alright.

Niall let out a grumble and muttered something under his breath, fully stepping out and walking towards the bar without me. I followed his actions and took a deep breath as I came upon the metal door, placing my hand onto it, pushing it open as slow as possible.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now