twenty eight

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warning: smut lol

dedicated to all of you @ thirsty hoes


im on a writing rollll


"Harry," I moaned as he pressed his body into mine, and I wondered where he got the sudden confidence boost from.

He stopped kissing me for a second, breathless, before placing one more soft peck to my lips.

"Who do you think you are?" I asked with a teasing smirk, digging my thumbs into his hips as I rubbed circles.

He hummed, confused before I flipped us over, taking over control as I had him pinned. "Being in control now, huh baby?" I touched my lips to the side of his mouth, then to his jaw where I started leaving open mouthed kisses along.

I trailed further to his neck, sucking different spots as small sinful whimpers escaped his plump lips. I found the spot that was just a few inches above his collarbone, nipping at it with ease.

He wriggled his hands a few times, so I let go and rested one arm against the wall as my other kept him in place where it sat on his side.

I pulled back, looking over my work. Purple bruises lingered his pale skin, and I bit down on my lip harshly. Harry looked down, breathless as his hair swooped down in front of his face.

He swallowed thick, silent as I started to move my hand lower. "Such a dirty, dirty boy," I said smugly, running them back up and to his chest.

I slowly unbuttoned the first, unclasping each one as I put my head to Harry's neck, kissing the area. I grounded my hips forward, awaiting for his reaction to the friction.

A moan was muffled as he bit his knuckle, and I met eyes with him. "Don't do that, my love," I said, removing one of my hands from his shirt so I could grab his own.

"Keep it here, yeah?" I smiled, placing his hand onto my waist. He nodded, eyes shut tight.

I popped off the last button, instantly putting my hands to his warm chest, massaging my hands over his abdomen.

"Please," He groaned, bucking his hips up into mine, trying to get some sort of pressure onto his groin.

"Please, what?" I asked, slipping the shirt off of his arms. He attached his palm back to my waist right away, giving the skin a tight squeeze. I waited for him to speak, and I kissed his chin.

"I can't do anything if you don't ask, baby," I huffed, watching his face contort as he pressed his lips tightly together, tongue popping out to wet them.

"My-" He took a deep breath, looking down with hooded eyes, taking my hand from his chest, hovering it over his zipper, "Right there," He puffed out.

I cuffed my hand around him, palming him a few times with slow movements. "Here?" I hummed, hooking my thumb over the inseam of his boxers. He nodded eagerly, rolling down but I forced him back.

"Louis," He whined, head shooting back as I thumbed over his nipples. The way he bit his lip and his hair looked so perfect, was slowly driving me mad.

I went on my tiptoes, putting my mouth to his ear. I breathed over it, the boy shivering uncontrollably. "Are you sure you want to keep going, love?" I asked, serious tone yet it was mixed with sweetness.

The passion I had for the boy in front of me was unreal, and I never felt it for anyone this strongly.

"Y-Yes, Lou. Just do something, please," He begged, trying to catch a proper breath.

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