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A/N: dedicated to ponyboymuke , his comments were absolutely wonderful and made my day, so thanks a ton babes x


Before I knew it, several loud knocks were coming from the front door. I gulped and slowly hoisted myself up and off the couch, and with a huff I made my way over to the front door.

My shaky hands reached for the silver knob and I twisted it slowly, flinching a bit as I seen who was standing at the front door. I slumped and stepped back, rubbing tiredly at my temples.

"What is it?" I questioned, bringing my hands away from my face. I was taken aback when seeing Oliver's appearance, because he has changed so much over the past two weeks.

His black hair was down instead of up, the messy fringe hanging down in front of his forehead. His face was pale and his cheekbones were hollowed, and he resembled somewhat of a living skeleton.

Oliver was always skinny, but now he was at an unhealthy weight. He looked sick. Suddenly, tears were falling down and he was shaking and looking at me with an emotion that screamed for help.

I was unsure of what to do, so I just moved out of the way and let him walk in. He plopped down onto the couch and wiped away his tears, taking a deep breath as I sat down opposite of him.

"So," I began, "What happened to you?"

It was silent for a minute until he calmed his breathing and looked up at me. "Danny found out I was cheating on him with several other people and-and he hit me. I'm so sorry Louis, I know I need help but I don't know where to get it!"

I scoffed, "See how it feels? It hurts, doesn't it?" I was about to continue but stopped as I seen more tears fall. I felt bad for saying that, but karma sure is a bitch.

"Oli, there is nothing I can do. If you want help, go get a therapist or something like that. I know a good one that my sister used to go to," I offered, giving him a hopeful smile.

"There's one thing you can do," The man said quietly, and I nodded, silently telling him to continue. "Take me back."

I deadpanned as he said that and then shot daggers at the one in front of me. "You're kidding, right? You're not getting me back, we're done. You only used me for my dick!"

Oliver jumped at my harsh tone and his eyes widened, his hands raising in defence. "Chill, mate!" He shouted, his voice going up an octave higher. His hands flew in the air and he continued, "You're scum! Why did I even get with you back in highschool? You were such a gay nerd and I was popular, I just felt pity for you." He spat.

"You were nothing but a good fuck..." The man added, a smirk displaying across his thin lips.

I swallowed the building lump in my throat and blinked away my tears, my stomach churning in an uncomfortable way. I took a deep breath, "Get out, now. Get your stuff and leave," My tone was bitter, no sweetness to it at all. I found my fists clenching to my sides and my mouth formed into a straight line.

He continued to smirk and keep his eyes on me, pretty much checking me out as he slowly crept closer. His body pushed against mine and he placed one quick and soft kiss on my forehead before waving and leaving. I closed my mouth which was slightly ajar and blinked a few times before sitting on the couch.

I stared blankly at the television and forced myself not to cry, instead I thought of a certain boy who lived in a forest and had something wrong that I needed to find out.


With a groan, I opened my eyes as I heard my phone ring loudly. I mumbled a few profanities under my breath and picked up the small device, making a noise of annoyance as I realized that it was my alarm. Which means one thing, it's time to get up and get ready for work.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now