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The first thing I did when I got to Zayn's was give his car keys back and ask kindly for him to drive me home. He agreed, kissing Liam in front of me for the first time purposely and I said a goodbye before leaving with the younger man trailing behind.

The drive wasn't long and so soon I was running up the stairs of the building, going to my flat with a gulp. I placed my hand on the knob, entering the flat cautiously.

I furrowed my brows and stepped inside, only to see Oliver's shoes laid carelessly on the living room's floor. I picked them up and placed them down next to the front door, sighing.

I raised a brow as I heard moans, and at first I thought it was whoever lived upstairs until I noticed it was coming from the room. I took a deep breath and slowly went up to my bedroom, my mouth hanging as I pushed the door open, seeing bodies moving under the covers.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I yelled, feeling tears build as Oliver turned and faced me.

He then pecked who ever was under him on the lips and sat up, revealing both of the boys naked bodies. I gaped at the man, shaking my head as he pulled on a pair of boxers. The other guy followed his actions, and soon he was grabbing his things and running out of the room, brushing past me.

I paced around and put my hands to my mouth, looking at Oliver with wide eyes. "What the hell was that?" I exclaimed, pushing the man away as he came close.

"That was Danny," he smiled innocently, sitting back on the bed.

"A fuck buddy or something? Why the hell were you in my bed with some random guy?" I shouted, rubbing at my temples to try and calm down.

"Yes, you're right. I've been seeing him for a while-"

Before he could finish I cut him off, "You cheated on me?" I looked at him shocked, shocked at the thought of him doing so.

Oliver shrugged, but nodded. "A few times, yes. But that's only when you decided to go all weird and not have sex with me and stuff," he shrugged again, and I looked at him in disbelief.

"You're disgusting." I spat, "Now leave."

Oliver laughed, until he noticed I was being serious and stood up from where he was on the bed. "Make me," He scoffed and crossed his arms.

I reached for my phone, pulling it out and threatening him with a growl, "I'll call the police."

Suddenly my phone was being snatched from my hand and flicked across the room, "Will you now?" He smirked and came even closer.

I gasped and squirmed as he pushed me up against a wall, wrapping his hands around both of my wrists tightly, pushing them to the surface behind me. "Let go of me," I seethed, trying to get away.

He pushed his chest to mine, bringing his teeth to my ear where he bit harshly. I hissed at the pain and brought my knee up to him, pushing forcefully and watching as he fell to the ground with blurry vision.

He looked up at me, glaring with cold eyes. After a minute when I was packing his stuff, he got up and took the bag from my hands, stuffing in some clothes, and hygiene products.

I sighed for what felt like the thousandth time and leaned my back against the door once he was gone. I fell to the ground and brought my knees to my chest. I sat there for about half an hour, crying my eyes out until I was sobbing so badly that I couldn't breathe.

After I calmed down, I glanced at the time to see it was only seven pm. An idea occurred and I decided to go with it. I grabbed one of my black Adidas sweaters and pulled on a pair of Vans, grabbing my car keys and making sure that I had my phone before leaving my flat.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now