thirty five

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A/N: very short last chapter; since the epilogue will be long.

this is just sorta showing you their relationship now, and the epilogue will have a small time skip.

// credit to the lovely especiallylarry for editing xx


"And he's allowed to leave now?" I questioned, checking off a few things on a long sheet of paper. It had been two weeks since Harry had been emitted to the hospital, and today, I hoped, would be his last.

The nurse smiled to herself, nodding. She went over to Harry, who sitting in a very uncomfortable looking chair, eyes fixated his crutches. Harry was offered a wheelchair so he wouldn't have to walk around with one injured leg, but he, being the stubbrn boy he was, denied it and insisted he could get around just fine on his own. It took no longer than five minutes before we were walking down the narrow corridors, taking our time as Harry got used to his new way of transportation.

I helped him in the car and passed him the crutches, shutting the door once he was inside safely. I sat in the driver's seat with a huff, ruffling my fringe when I saw the state of it.

"You want to just head back to mine and get some rest?" I waited a few seconds for a response. Nothing but silence came.


"What the hell do you think, Louis?" Harry barked, glaring at me. I closed my mouth, speechless as he continued. "What do you think? Tell me – these have been the most stressful weeks of my life. All I fucking crave is rest."

I frowned, putting the key in the ignition without a second's thought. We were about half way there when Harry spoke up again. "I'm sorry, okay? I haven't been feeling myself... alright?"

Harry had nothing but guilt written all over his face, an evident frown plastered to his lips.

"I–I know, H. I understand. It's fine, you're forgiven," I responded, giving him a glance before returning my eyes to the road. "We can go home."

Harry froze, half smile replacing his regretful pout. "Home?" he said, placing his hand atop mine, which was rested on the centre console.

I smiled, moving my hand so we could entwine our fingers. "Home, love. It's your home now as much as it's mine."

"Are you sure I won't be a burden?" He mumbled, and I immediately shook my head, nearly flabbergasting.

"No! No, Harry. You would never be a burden, don't say that," I scrambled for his touch when he pulled away, one hand on the wheel and other his thigh. I could feel his stare on me, burning holes into my skin.

"It's true," he shrugged, "Most people find me a burden–"

"Stop," I interrupted, pulling into the parking lot of the apartment complex. "Like I said, you aren't one. Do you honestly think, that I will be, I don't know, annoyed by you staying with me?"

Harry didn't respond. He only opened the door, as careful with his leg as possible as he stepped out. I watched him as he grabbed his crutches, closing the car door using his backside.

I mimicked his actions, walking inside and to the elevator. Nothing else was said as I opened the front door, and we stepped in. Silence engulfed us uncomfortably, and I wished for it to go away.

After a full hour of us lounging on the couch, I had had enough. I twisted towards him, crossing my arms. "We can't do this forever, H."

Harry flicked his head away from my direction, knitted brows coming closer. "Watch me."

I huffed, scooting closer. "Harry..." I trailed off, saying his name in an upset tone. He only cowered away in response, jutting out his bottom lip. "Harry, love, please. I'm sorry, okay?" I tried again.

"These apologies have to stop," he shot, half lidded eyes now pointing directly at me. "This, this-" he shoved his finger at me, then himself — "isn't going to work if all we do is fight, say sorry, kiss, make up, only to do it all over again."

My lips curved downwards, hands connecting on top of my lap. "I know."

"Can we?"

"Can we what?"

"Can we, like, be okay now? I don't like this arguing, we do it too often. I know fights are common and everyone does it, but I like you too much to be doing it all the time. And m'not saying it's your fault that we argue! I mean, I do hold grudges a lot of the time."

"No, you don't, you're just stressed. It's okay to have outbursts, especially since you were just in a very intense situation. And of course, I can't guarantee we won't fight in the future, cause we will, but right now we're fine."

Harry went to pull me closer, until he winced and fisted at his leg. "Do you need some painkillers?" I asked, standing. He nodded, blinking a few times as a crossed look settled on his face. I only questioned it when I came back, two pills clutched in one hand with a glass of water in the other.

"Why do you look so lost?"

Harry's eyes met mine, thanking me as I passed him over the pain killers and water. His expression stayed the same, voice slower and softer than usual. "I'm wondering how I got so lucky to be saved by you."

And maybe the way I froze and was speechless is cliché, but I really couldn't form any sort of words together to create a proper sentence. I was stunned, licking my chapped lips, before sitting next to him as he took the pills and placed down his water.

"I love you," I uttered, softly pulling him in for a hug. He stayed silent, yet the way he hugged me back showed more love than any words he could've said.

| H A R R Y S  P O V |

I gripped the small diary in my hands, huffing out shallow breaths. My finger traced down the spine, and I picked up a pen from the night stand, looking down at the empty page momentarily.

Louis was asleep next to me, and I froze as he shifted in his spot. Gingerly, I stood, bringing the book and pen as I walked out and took a seat on the couch.

My pen breached the paper, black ink dotting it and soon running along the lines as I wrote what came to mind.

Dear diary,

I know I've abandoned you but I wanted you to know that you're still loved. It's weird, how I love a diary. But truth be told, you were the only thing I've had since I was small.

Thank you for that. You of all things kept me the company I needed. But sadly, I am happy to say that I won't be needing you anymore. Because, well, I have Louis. Louis is here for me now and I know I wont have to write about how depressed and lonely I am anymore.

You were a good friend when I needed you. But now I have to forget about you and all my old past memories. I'm starting a new chapter in life and I am very excited for what the future will bring.

All the love, H.

I closed the journal and stood, making my way to the kitchen. Reluctantly, I opened the garbage lid, dropping it inside, for it to never be seen again.

The End

* * *

A/N: i know it's short, but i am actually surprised on how much i love this ending. it's short and all, but it really showed how much love they have for another and that harry's new chapter in life has started.

next will be the epilogue, so keep a lookout for that. xx

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now