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Dedicated to the lovely pleasurelouis she's so sweet and I'm so happy she's reading this x


"What do you mean?" I asked, facing Harry to see him furrowing his brows. He mouthed something that I didn't catch, but I just put my hand up and turned back around.

"I'll be a second," I told him, climbing down the wooden planks.

"I mean that I know who he is, well, I think I do," He explained, confusing me even more than what I was.

"You're making no sense right now," I laughed, "Be more clear, mate."

There was a pause, both me and Niall silent. "Harry was my childhood best friend."

There was another long pause, my eyes widened and I bit my lip. "And?" I trailed, wondering if he could answer my unanswered questions.

"That's it," He sighed.

"Can't you like, tell me why your friendship ended? How do you know it's Harry?" I asked, sitting down and leaning my back on one of the many trees.

"Well, he went missing the same time Harry went to the forest. You told me it was like, around four years ago? Right?" He quizzed, I hummed a response.

"And, my best friends name was Harry. Fucking Harry Styles. Find out Harry's last name, and we will know for sure," He chuckled, and I deadpanned at his words.

"Oh my god," My jaw dropped once I realized something.

"What is it?" Niall seemed confused by the tone of his voice, worry laced with it.

"I think you're the boy in the photo!" I exclaimed, liking how all the pieces were finally coming together.

There was silence on the other end, "What?" He said again.

I sighed, "There's this photo, of Harry and he said his old friend. It's you! The kid was a brunette, I believe," I said, thinking back to about a month ago.

"And," I continued, "He has this crate, in a treehouse. And there's a bunch of children's toys and then this brown bear, with a note. It said something like 'To Harry, love your best friend'," I laughed, "It was obviously kids writing, no older than seven probably,"

"Really?" Niall chuckled again, "I don't remember, but I think I remember the bear. He had a rip in his arm and I named him Benjamin," You could hear the smile on his face, if that even made sense.

"Niall?" I said his name weakly, rubbing at my temples as the phone stayed placed between my shoulder and ear.

"Yeah, mate?" Niall yawned, and I looked down to the ground, bringing my index finger to the dirt so I could draw some random things.

"We kissed," I blurted, hearing the line go silent. But, I continued anyways. "We kissed and I liked it, a lot. Like, a lot a lot. I don't know what to do," I bit the inside of my cheek hesitantly.

"Are you serious!?" Niall exclaimed, and I jolted at his tone. I searched for words to say, but nothing came up. The eerie silence engulfed us and I was lost on what to do.

"Did ye have sex yet?" Niall said after about three minutes, and my eyes went wide. Why does everyone think I'm so wanting of sex?

"Niall, no. Shut up you weirdo," I grumbled, peeking upwards to make sure I couldn't see Harry.

There was shuffling and then Niall cackled, "You're fucked, man. Harry's a good lad, but he has slight outbursts at times, from what I remember," He addressed.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now