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WARNING: abuse! please if you don't like that, skip the first few pages x

im so sorry.


With short steady breaths, I lay there in pain. My heart pounded against my chest, and I kept myself in a curled up position on the ground.

Oliver towered over me, his eyes burning holes into my skin. I let out a whimper as he brought his foot to my back again, kicking forcefully. "You twat, thought you could hide from me you bitch." The man seethed, pinching the skin at the back of my neck.

I hid my face into my knees and wrapped my arms around my legs, letting out more cries of pain as he hurt me more and more. After a few seconds, I've had enough of the constant hits so I snapped. "I wasn't hiding!" I yelled out, my voice cracking. He reached over and pulled on my hair, forcing me to look at him.

I wiped at my eyes and felt more tears stream down my face as I met eyes with Oliver. His brown ones were filled with noting but anger, and pure hatred. "You're so annoying," he spat.

"I was simply sleeping on our bed, not hiding!" I clenched my jaw when he slapped me across the mouth, and my heart rate increased.

I knew that he was drunk from the strong sent of alcohol that was coming from him, and because he never hit me before. This was the first time that he has abused me physically, and I would be lying if I said that I wasn't afraid of him.

"Stop, please." I begged, whispering the words over and over. Oliver pulled away and let out a loud groan. He scrubbed at his face and ripped at his dark hair.

"Look what you're making me do! You don't know how to be a good boyfriend, do you? I'm an amazing boyfriend, I have sex with you whenever you want it, I'm always there and yet you just steal from me! I hate you-"

I cut him off and scoffed, "That's not what I heard last time we had sex. I thought you loved it?" I sarcastically spoke, shaking my head, "And you're always there? What kind of a lie is that, I was crying because my little sister was sent to the hospital two months ago and yet you didn't even notice?"

I sniffled. "Thankfully she's okay or I'd be left broken with no one to comfort me!" I screamed, getting up from the ground.

"Shut up! I don't care," He stated, sitting on the bed. His jaw tightened and he glared at me, looking like he was just going to punch me again any second. I cowered away more so my back was pushed impossibly closer to the wall.

"Exactly! You're nothing but scum, you say I'm a bad boyfriend? I don't see me beating your ass and getting shit faced every single day!" By now I was a sobbing, shaking mess. My voice was strained and broken, and all I wanted was for him to hold me.

Anyone to hold me and tell me that it will be okay. I knew it wasn't though, and that hurt like hell. I was always happy until Oliver came along.

"I'm sorry, then, Louis. But you need help," Oliver said, getting up and hugging me. I shook him off and wiped away the tears that fell.

"You argue with me all the time, treat me like I'm worthless. Then you apologize just to do it again. I'm sick of this." I sighed loudly, slowly getting up and leaving the room, Oliver following behind me.

I took a seat on the couch, not daring to look at him as he sat next to me. He brought his hand to my back and rubbed circles, and I tried to get away but it didn't work since I was at the end of the couch. My back arched away and I was basically hanging off, using the strength of my legs to keep me on.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now