thirty two

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warning: this chapter is unbelievably unrealistic, so just go along with it ok cause writing is super shitty lol, theres also mentions of blood and disturbing scenes so yh, it all escalates quickly

enjoy 💜


"Louis," He chirped, "We've been waiting for you."

The man gripped my forearm, pulling me inside with force. I gulped, tensing as he pushed me forward. I would've been yelling if I could speak, but my mouth wouldn't let me say any words.

My lips were glued shut, so it seemed.

I breathed heavily through my nose, looking over to the couch. "Harry?" I muttered, seeing Harry just feet away, tears falling down his bruised cheeks. His eyes never met mine, like he feared look my way.

Lilian sat next to him, disgusted as her dog sag atop her lap. My brows were knitted together, and if I wasn't frozen, I would've ran over to Harry, but I stared as he stared right back. There was no emotion; just a plain, boring look plastered to her face.

The Police man nudged me, and my jaw went slack, "Why are you here? Who the fuck do you think you are!?" I heaved, strained. He looked absolutely appalled, stomping his foot down.

"Louis," He tutted, grip tightening on my wrists, "If you lash out, things are only going to get worse from here on out. I recommend you shut that trap of yours or I will bring both of you to the station."

"Tell me what happened?" I shot, noticing how the cop rolled his eyes, "If you're a cop, act like one! Please, tell me what happened?"

He looked to Harry, the boy instantly dodging his gaze, "We got a call from Lilian, saying that shes been keeping a close eye on the two of you. And the real question here, is who do you think you are? Trespassing? Hm, Tomlinson? Think you're a badboy, but you're a frightened child."

I inwardly groaned, "It was a mistake."

"Mistake," He pondered, "I'm pretty positive that a mistake wouldn't continuously happen, Mr. Tomlinson. Lilian, here, told us that every time she had walked her dog in the evenings, she seen you sneaking in there, looking around almost reluctant, before stepping in."

"It's not like I was hurting anybody!" I blurted, only for him to interrupt with a furious tone.

"That's not the point, Tomlinson. We've been looking for Harry here," He patted the boys shoulders, "For four years. You just helped us, is all,"

"Do you not see how beaten up he is!? He had no choice, the poor boy was being forced there against his will! You can't do this," I scrubbed at my eyes, knowing that I looked like an idiot.

It was now as the older man offered a sinister smile, that I noticed the pink scar tracing his tanned skin. My eyes looked to Harry's, noticing the similarities between the two.

"Are you going to take him?" I asked, inhaling sharply. I felt a tear fall, blinking the rest away before they could follow.

"Yes," Was all he said, yanking him up by the shoulders. He started to read him his rights, and all I could do was watch as his hands got cuffed together, the boy being pulled out, door slamming shut behind them.

I flinched at the sound, feeling as if there were weights on my feet, holding me in place. Harry was gone, what are they going to do to him?

Lilian was still perched on the couch, and I stared at her for a few long seconds. "Tell me what the fuck is going on," I hissed, stepping closer.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now