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It was exactly one in the morning when Oliver came through the door once again, drunk like usual. I was scared as I hugged myself on our queen sized bed, and I slowly got up from the position I was in.

My knees felt like they were going to give out any second when I opened the door that lead to the hallway, and with shaky steps I made my way to the living room where Oliver was mumbling incoherent words under his breath. When I came closer I noticed he was singing some random song.

"Hey," I spoke, my voice quiet. Oli looked over and gave a weird looking kind of smile, or smirk.

He got up at the sight of me and walked over, latching on to me straight away and putting his lips to my neck. I stumbled back a bit, but luckily caught myself and the drunk and unstable guy on me.

He bit and sucked at the spot on my neck where my shoulder meets it, and I tried to pry the boy off of me but it wouldn't work. His fingers gripped my wrists and he backed us up against a wall, and I tried to push him off again but he would not budge. A frustrated noise left my lips and I gave up, letting his hands roam my body.

"Baby, let's head to the bedroom, yeah?" He said in a raspy tone, looking at me straight in the eyes and he raised a brow as he seen several tears streaming down my face.

"Stop crying, dammit Louis! I try to be nice, yet you cry?" He had a scowl on his face and he pulled his short hair roughly, "You don't even understand how much I'm trying not to yell at you, you disgusting thing."

I frowned at his words and hid my face in my hands because really, I was done. I knew I had to leave this relationship, but it was so difficult. I just wished that the old Oliver would come back, but he wouldn't. He was trapped as the new one, an alcoholic, horny, excuse of a boyfriend.

And wow, I hated myself for saying something like that but I knew it was true. My mouth hung and I glared, "I'm disgusting? Please, if anything you're the disgusting one here. We've been getting in arguments all the time and it's annoying, I-I, don't know if I can be with you."

Oliver chuckled, "That's okay, because I'm breaking up with you. Do me a favour, and leave." The older man pointed over to the door, coming up towards me and pushing me with force. I fell back and caught myself on the wall, bracing myself as he picked me up by my t-shirt and pulled me over to the door.

"Y-you have n-no right to do this! I pay for this flat, you pay for nothing. You're kicking me out of the place I live in? Where am I going to go!?" I sobbed, trying to run back in but it was impossible as Oliver stood there, blocking my way.

"I'll get the things you need, call one of your stupid friends and stay there so I have time to think," He left and went into our room, leaving me there crying as he got my things. In about five minutes he was coming out with my old college backpack, tossing the clothes filled bag over to me.

I caught it with a short gasp, almost tripping over a shoe. He then handed me my green Adidas sweater that was on the couch and looked at me with a scowl on his face, "Bye."

And then he pushed me back out, a sob escaping my parted lips as I heard the door lock. I checked for my phone and luckily it was in the sweaters pocket, so I tugged on the fabric and started the walk outside the flat.

It was cold outside but thankfully wasn't raining. I unlocked my phone and went to my contacts, scrolling and picking on Zayn's. I would call my mum, but I didn't want to worry her.

I bit the inside of my cheek and texted him, waiting only a minute until he replied back.

[Louis] - hey mate, oliver kicked me out and like im basically homeless for the night. I wanted to know if I could crash at yours, if li doesn't mind?

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now