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hey loves, make sure to read the authors note at the end please x


i honestly don't know how long this fanfic will be, but anywho, hope you enjoy 💜


"Lottie might–she... Harry," I breathed, an octave higher than usual.

The boy pulled off with a pop, wiping his mouth. "Hm?" A smirk settled its way onto his face.

I bit down onto my lip, seeing the latter by my hips, hovering over me. He went back down, licking a long stripe up. I shivered, goosebumps rising.

It was now later in the day, around two. Me and Harry fell back asleep for a few hours, until we woke up an hour ago, which somehow escalated to how we were now.

My toes curled as I bit the fat of my forearm, saying Harry's name warily, which he nodded, replacing his mouth with his hand.

I came with a low huff of his name, gripping at his hair, trembling. I fell back on the bed from where I was sitting up at the end of it, not wanting to make any mess on the sheets, since I would have to make it again if I did.

"How was that your first blowjob you have ever given to someone?" I asked when he stepped out of the bathroom a few minutes later with a warm cloth, wiping down my skin. He also collected the mess I've made on his chest, too.

He flicked it in the dirty laundry, fluttering his lashes. "I just tried to do what you did."

I laughed, changing into a new shirt. "Good job, then. I'll return the offer eventually," I winked, sticking my tongue out.

"I'm going to get a shower, okay?" He said and I nodded, watching as he walked in, closing the door behind him.

I beamed, shaking my head in pure amazement. Once I tugged on a fresh pair of boxers and some sweats, I opened my pack of smokes, feeling the sudden craving for one.

I stepped from my room, surprised when seeing Lottie was already up, sitting on the couch with her legs crossed.

"Hey," I gave a half smile, and she piped up, taking a sip from her mug before returning it.

"Did you talk to mum?" I streched, yawning.

Lottie nodded, picking at her painted nails. "She said she is gonna be here in an hour to visit you and pick me up," she stated, before her brows furrowed.

"You still smoke?"

I hid the cigarette behind my back, guilty for just a second, before sighing. "Don't worry about your adult brother Lottie. I can worry about myself. Worry about that," I motioned to her flat stomach, that hopefully wouldn't be getting bigger because of a baby.

"I don't like you smoking, Lou," She frowned, "Scares me. Especially since Uncle—"

My eyes darkened as she was going to finish her sentence, "Don't bring up our Uncles death, we barely talked to him anyways. He was just as mean as dad, he never fucking visited us either," I brought the stick back into view, examining it.

"That isn't nice, calling someone something rude when they passed away," Lottie began, "I'm sure he was nice. He was just busy."

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now