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When I left, I didn't have no clue about where I was going. I just knew I needed to get away for a bit, have time to myself.

I put my phone on airplane mode and began my walk outside. The only sound was passing cars and my footsteps against the bit of snow left on the ground. My breath came out as small clouds, soon vanishing into the crisp winter air.

My vision was slightly blurry from drinking, but it wasn't that bad. My head was pounding harshly though, and so I brought my hands to my face and rubbed at my temples. As I was walking, I turned down a street that I have never been to before. I looked around at my surroundings, seeing nothing but houses.

It was a small old neighbourhood, and I noticed how each one of the houses looked like they were going to collapse any minute, the sides falling off and windows shattered. I was walking on the street, since there were no cars around. I furrowed my brows when in the distance there was nothing but darkness, and I was confused because the street lights that were scattered around everywhere just ended at one spot.

Even though I was slightly creeped out at what was coming, I continued to take slow steps. I looked behind me to make sure no cars were behind me, and turned back only to jump a bit because I thought I seen someone standing there.

Thankfully it was just a tree. I bit my lip and shook my head a bit, maybe I shouldn't of went outside. I started to think of Oliver and what he would do once he noticed I stole from him, he will be pissed.

But I ignored my thoughts and continued to walk, because Oliver's shift ended soon and I didn't want to go home to him complaining.

After a few long minutes, I was standing by the last street light and in front of me was the darkness. I squinted my eyes to see if I could see anything, but I couldn't. I gulped dryly as I stepped up and got my phone out, turning it on and shining the brightness to see what was there.

My face went blank as I seen trees and a pathway, and I realized that this was probably the forest that I always hear stories about. I looked at the gate that surrounded it all, and read a sign that had words engraved saying "No Trespassing." My heart rate increased and my breath hitched.

People would say that this is where some kid went missing years ago, or that wolves lived inside and would rip anyone who entered apart. I of course, thought that it was all lies and didn't believe any of it. It was a forest like any others, nothing much to it. So with caution I stepped inside and looked around with the light from my phone, seeing only trees and old bushes with dirt and grass on the ground.

With my head aching and feeling tired, I continued to walk around slowly, the only sound was the occasional twigs and grass under my feet. I didn't like the silence, so I started to hum a random tune quietly. But that wasn't working, so I was now singing softly, glancing around as I did.

I sighed when I seen a gate in the distance, and I thought that maybe this was another entrance so I could get out. But as I got closer, I felt like yelling because this wasn't a way out again, it was simply leading to a few paths I could take.

After a minute of thinking, I decided to keep going, because it's not like I'm going to get lost. And if I do, I'll just call the police or something and they'll help me out.

There were three paths and I chose one that was lit up the most with the lights, so I could see most of what was around me.

Slowly, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a cigarette and lighter, lighting the stick and bringing it to my lips. I took a puff, inhaling then exhaling. I made the smoke come out as rings, watching as they soon went away. I continued to do this several times as I walked, this being the only thing I could do that was a bit entertaining.

Run And Hide // Larry Stylinson Where stories live. Discover now